New Articles

  1. How do I Create a Transformation with an Array?

    When defining a virtual data resource with an array, use the following format: keyToArray[*].keyToValuesInArray This will result in: { "keyToArray": [ “keyToValuesInArray”: “1”, “keyToValuesInArray”: “2" ] } Good: (note the asterisk inside t...
  2. How to Properly Export your Transformation using Cloud Elements 2.0

    You have created a virtual data resource and mapped fields to it to create a transformation. Now you want to export it to share across your organization and/or different accounts. Here is a quick guide on how to properly export a virtual data resour...
  3. How can Sub-resources be Transformed?

    Transformations can be mapped to sub-resources (children) of objects, but it is important to know that transformed sub-resources are not added to the API Docs. To accomplish this task, you have to create a virtual data resources and transformation t...
  4. POST /organizations/objects/{objectName}/definitions

    POST /organizations/objects/{objectName}/definitions Create a single new virtual data resource by passing the name as a path parameter.  Path Parameters objectName The name of the virtual data resource. Request Body Parameters ...
  5. Base URL

    The base URL differs depending on your region and environment:
  6. Intro: Building an Element with Element Builder

    Building an element is a multi-step process that you likely won't complete in a single sitting. We've broken the steps up in this section in separate topics linked from this topic. Here, we'll get you started and give you a high level overview of ...
  7. Shopify Sandbox

    To get started with the Shopify API, we need to create a sandbox. You can directly sign up here: or follow the steps below. Navigate to the Shopify Developer Portal: . Click S...
  8. 7: Resources

    1 Info 2 Properties 3 Authentication 4 Config & Parameters 5 Hooks 6 Events 7 Resources After you set up your element, you can add resources to start mak...
  9. Cloud Elements Version 2.154

    February 26, 2018 Element Updates Google Drive: Order search results You can now order search results from GET /search and GET /folders/{id}/contents requests by name , createdDate , and modifiedDate . For example: GET /search?path=/path...
  10. Dynamics 365 Operations Sandbox

    Dynamics 365 is a Microsoft umbrella product that contains a number of office suite, ERP, and other MS Business Suite products together in a cloud environment. Dynamics 365 CRM is a popular solution for Customer Relationship Management. However, st...