Release notes -- v2.208.926 (since v2.208.903)
TS-1217: Only allow viewing formulas with proper privs
- Show all formulas in org/account based off privileges
EL-1119: Oracle Sales Cloud Cleo Gap Enhancement
- Oracle Sales Cloud Cleo Gap Feature - Addition of products resources
- Polling and bulk are supported for this resource
EL-3768: Added ability to post array of participants to folders for Syncplicity
- Added ability to post array of participants to folders for Syncplicity
EB-517: SwaggerImporter - Handle Escape Characters
- Fix - SwaggerImporter - Generates invalid swagger docs, if we swagger file has escape characters.
- Ref used to fix this issue
EL-3613: Jira On Prem Added webhooks API called during provisioning
- Added Webhooks API Support on provisioning for Jira On Prem element
EL-3982: Workday - /{objectName}/attachments needs to handle Vendor Object Names
- Fix - Workday - Not handling vendor objectNames for
/{objectName}/attachments API
EL-4042: Magento CEQL Convertor Fix
- Fix to respect all where clause parameters passed for /products resources
EL-4066: GoogleAdwords returns empty response for reportTypesReports Metadata
- Fix - Googleadwords:GET /objects/{objectName}/metadata is giving empty reponse for reportTypesReports