Release Notes - Version 2.206

Release notes (since 2.205)


EL-679: Updating elements authentication configurations

  • Updated authentication configuration for elements in CRM Hub
  • Modified logic to hide configuration values and 'base URL'

EL-819: Zendesk- Added address field in tickets metadata

  • via.source.from.address field is available to map for tickets object in VDRs.

EL-261: NetsuiteERP metadata made consistent

  • Made object metadata for Netsuite ERP consistent for 'customfield.value' field

EL-820 : Updated the description for Volusion Get Orders Where clause

  • Changed the description for where clause in GET /orders API in Volusion

EL-787 : NetsuiteFinance v2 - Added CRUDS support for vendor-credits

  • Added support for CRUDS vendor-credits in NetsuiteFinancev2

EL-818 InfusionsoftCRM - Model defect fixes

  • Updated request model for POST - /accounts and PATCH - /accounts.
  • Updated element resource parameter name for the above mentioned Api's

EL-987 DropBox: Model defects fixes

  • Fixed response model defect for GET - /search Api

EL-892 : Dropbox PATCH API for folders/metadata fixed

  • PATCH /folders/metadata API returns an error if attempting to move a folder into a directory where a folder with that name already exists

EL-875 Zoho CRM: model defect fixes

  • Added enum values for 'Email Opt Out' field in request model for the following Api'sPOST - /contacts amp; PATCH - /contactsPOST - /leads amp; PATCH - /leads

EL-999 DropBox Business: model defect fixes

  • Added missing fields in response model for /search Api

EL-930 Tango Card:Updated polling config

  • Updated polling config for /orders Api

EL-1093 OneDrive Business: Model defect fixes

  • Modified response model for the following Api'sGET - /files/links amp; GET - /files/{id}/links

EL-1045 : Quickbooks - Updated where clause description

  • Added helpful description for where clause with supported filterable fields in GET vendor-credit endpoint.

EL-1169 : Amazon S3 file revisions API failing with 502 error

  • Fixed 502 errors with the Amazon S3 elements's endpoints GET files/{id|/revisions and GET files/revisions

RVCL-552: Use the full prefix for transformed fields in the select fields for bulk query

  • Use the full prefix for transformed fields in the select fields for bulk query. For example if you have an object definition field mapped to the vendor field mailingAddress.mailingCity and run a bulk query with select from objectName it will be transformed to select mailingAddress.mailingCity from vendorObjectName. Previously this would have been incorrectly transformed to select mailingCity from vendorObjectName

EL-550 Zendesk - Updating pagination type from offSeT to page

  • Fix - Zendesk Updating pagination type from offSet to page

EL-1182 Syncplicity - Event support

  • Syncplicity now supports polling on files and folders

El 1200

  • Metadata for objects/items/metadata and objects/itemsSubmitProducer/metadata were fixed.
  • Modified the endpoint /hubs/helpdesk/items/{sysid}/submitproducer to /hubs/helpdesk/items/{id}/submit-producer for Standardization

Syncplicity - Header fixes

  • Offset parameter has been removed from Swagger API documentation for GET /files/{id} as Offset is forbidden by CORS policies. This parameter is still documented in the resource description
  • Resolves issue with Elements-As-Team-Member header when user email is provided