Release notes -- v2.208.1477 (since v2.208.1455)
CU-813 remove downgrade engine API
- DELETE /{formulaId}/upgrade/v3 API removed
- removed ability to downgrade engine via PATCH /{formulaId}
CU-900 | Adding a new API /elements/:id/objects/accounts/metadata to element swagger docs
- A new API at the element level, that helps to pull metadata for a given
- Also has the ability to filter the metadata based on the API method type (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH).
EL-7678 Adding partner object to netsuitefinancev2
- Adding Partner object to Netsuite Finance element
EL-7899 dbcleanup job to run every 4 hours past 30 mins to avoid collision wi…
EL-7857:Jira On Prem - Updating GET/agents/{id} endpoint work with both key and username
- JIRA On PREM upgrading their key generation for the compliance of Jira Server with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- Updated CRUDS for agents endpoint to work with both key and username
EL-7882 Enable OAuth 2.0 support for Jira Cloud element
- Jira element now supports OAuth 2.0 Authorization along with existing Basic auth