Production Release Notes - Version v2.208.1443

Release notes -- v2.208.1443 (since vhotfix-CU-889)


EL-6970:Google-Adwords Added Polling Support for Campaigns

  • Added Polling support for campaigns, adwords and campaign-criterions and ads

EL-7297: Hubspot Marketing: Adding additional functionality to support vendor endpoint 'v3 /contacts/search'

  • Adding additional functionality to support vendor endpoint 'v3 /contacts/search'
  • To use advanced search in /contacts endpoint we need to add a queryparam 'advancedSearch' flag as true.
  • To enable polling we need to modify the 'contacts' polling configuration to below configuration."contacts": {"url": "/hubs/marketing/contacts?advancedSearch=trueamp;where=lastmodifieddate gt;= '${epoch}' and hs_predictivecontactscore_v2 gt;= 0","idField": "id","filterByUpdatedDate": true,"datesConfiguration": { "updatedDateField": "updatedAt", "updatedDateFormat": "milliseconds", "createdDateField": "createdAt", "createdDateFormat": "milliseconds"},"createdCheckTolerance": 10}

EL-7657 | Private Elements: Getting 409 error when we try to update existing private elements which are having active instances

EL-7724 To support TxnDate in the Query Filter

DELIVERY-1807: SugarCRMUploadHelper enhancement to add "data" in the link object.