Use the base accounts
endpoints to manage the users in your organization.
GET /users
Retrieve a list of users in your organization.
List Users Query Parameters
where | The CEQL search expression or the where clause, without the WHERE keyword, in a typical SQL query. For example, to search for accounts created on or after 'Jan 15, 2014’, the search expression will be where=createdDate >= ‘2014-01-15’. When this parameter is omitted, all accounts are returned in a paginated fashion. |
nextPage | The next page token. Found in the header of the previous search |
pageSize | The page size for the paginated results, defaults to 200 |
List Users Response Fields
Name | Description |
IDid | The unique identifier for a user within an account. Use in any /users endpoint with an {id} variable. |
CreatedcreatedDate | The date when someone created the account. |
First NamefirstName | The first name of the user. |
Last NamelastName | The last name of the user. |
password | A placeholder for the user's secure password. |
Emailemail | The email address of the user. The email receives all password reset emails. |
Activeactive | Indicates if the account is active. In the JSON response, true is active and false is inactive. |
User Secretsecret | The User Secret required for API calls to Cloud Elements APIs. You can also find your User Secret in the profile menu in Cloud Elements. |
lastLoginDate | The date that the user last logged in to Cloud Elements, or the date that someone created the account . |
fullName | The first and last name of the user. |
Org Admin/Account Adminroles | The roles assigned to the user. |
List Users Example Request
curl -X GET \ \
-H 'authorization: User sAfK7LJGNz5ZHcNrvdJvLI=f03WbTbH6aRKc0HJ3oOIi, Organization 58168435e3b9959a929eb04b6218b9a2' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
List Users Example Response
"fullName":"Neta Alfaro"
GET /users/{emailOrId}
Retrieve a specific user by user id or email.
Retrieve a User by Id or Email Path Parameters
emailOrId | The id or email address associated with the user. |
Retrieve a User by Id or Email Header Parameters
Elements-User-Password | Optional user password. If you include the correct password the response body includes the user secret. |
Retrieve a User by Id or Email Example Request
curl -X GET \
-H 'authorization: User sAfK7LJGNz5ZHcNrvdJvLI=f03WbTbH6aRKc0HJ3oOIi, Organization 58168435e3b9959a929eb04b6218b9a2' \ \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
-H 'Elements-User-Password:password' \
Retrieve a User by Id or Email Example Response
"secret": "wGOw+75xqzBhek=/cP8wm3SPSNggfTZp1GFLtwfYzV0r"
"fullName":"First Last"
PATCH /users/{id}
You can make the following updates to a user:
- Change the
, oremail
. - Assign roles to a user.
- Activate or deactivate a with the
Update Users Path Parameters
userId | The id associated with a specific user. |
Update Users Request Body Parameters
firstName | The first name of the user. |
lastName | The last name of the user. |
email | The email address of the user. The email receives all password reset emails. |
password | The assigned password for the user. |
roles | An object containing role assignment, which can be:
active | Deactivate by sending "active"= false .Activate by sending "active"= true . |
Update Users Example Request
curl -X PATCH \ \
-H 'authorization: User sAfK7LJGNz5ZHcNrvdJvLI=f03WbTbH6aRKc0HJ3oOIi, Organization 58168435e3b9959a929eb04b6218b9a2' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"firstName": "First",
"lastName": "Last",
"email": "",
"password": "password",
"key": "admin"
Update Users Example Response
"secret": "wGOw+75xqzBhek=/cP8wm3SPSNggfTZp1GFLtwfYzV0r"
"fullName":"First Last"
DELETE /users/{id}
Delete a user in your organization. You cannot recover deleted users. If you think that you might need to access the user later, consider deactivating the user instead.
Delete a User Path Parameters
userId | The id associated with a specific user. |
Delete a User Example Request
curl -X DELETE \ \
-H 'authorization: User sAfK7LJGNz5ZHcNrvdJvLI=f03WbTbH6aRKc0HJ3oOIi, Organization 58168435e3b9959a929eb04b6218b9a2' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
Delete a User Example Response
The response is empty. You can confirm that you deleted the account with GET /users