Production Release Notes - Version vhotfix-ENG-6104-stg

Release notes -- vhotfix-ENG-6104-stg (since vhotfix-ENG-5735)


fix(ServiceNow) : Populate authentication.type for old instances (#ENG-5213)

fix: cleanup for stg0 and snp0 envs

  • Cleanup circleCI workflow for stg0 env
  • drop auto deploys on cron schedule in CircleCI
  • cleanup helm and ansible values for snp0 and stg0

feat (ENG-5631): support to call periodic standard object apis on Element Builder elements

fix: remove stg0 zk/kf from soba stage0 config

  • fix: remove stg0 zk/kf from soba stage0 config

feat - Implemented native standard objects amp; metadata API for sfdc: (ENG-5520)

fix: remove duplicates from operations and bulk - (ENG-5699)

fix: ResourceGenerator to allow read by x-primary-key

fix: various bug fixes for sfdc periodic resources

fix: pull periodic v3 objects by instanceid and element key (ENG-5783)

fix: ignore fields validation when populating events data for standard objects (ENG-5800)

fix: remove events from non pollable objects in sfdc - (ENG-5774)

fix: added more objects to nonPolling list for sfdc (ENG-5810 | ENG-5723)