Virtual Data Resources Automapper Templates
Last Modified on 03/22/2021 12:22 am MDT
Templates are pre-built VDR definitions that aim to help reducing the time that you take to build a VDR. In this section, you can find various templates that can be used for Finance use cases i.e. Order-to-Cash and Procure-to-Pay.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
email | string | Personal email ID of the employee. |
id | string | Identifier for the employee, unique to the employee in the system. |
firstName | string | First name of the employee. |
lastName | string | Last name of the employee. |
middleName | string | Middle name of the employee. |
mobile | string | Mobile number of the employee. |
phone | string | Phone number of the employee. | | string | City of employee's address. | | string | Country of employee's address. |
address.line1 | string | Address line 1 of employee's address. |
address.line2 | string | Address line 2 of employee's address. |
address.postalcode | string | Postal code of employee's address. |
address.province | string | Province/state of employee's address. |
fax | number | Fax number of the employee. |
status | boolean | Current status of the employee. |
dob | date | Date of birth of the employee. |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the employee/reference of employee from an external system. |
gender | string | Gender of the employee. |
hireDate | date | Employee's date of hiring. |
releaseDate | date | Employee's date of release. |
salutation | string | Salutation of the employee. |
ssn | number | Social security number of the employee. |
title | string | Designation of the employee. |
type | string | Type of employee. Permanent/On contract etc. |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the system. |
departmentName | string | Name of the department employee belongs to. |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the system. |
officePhone | string | Office Phone number of the employee. |
currency | string | Currency in which employee is paid in. |
email2 | string | Alternate personal email ID of the employee. |
maritalStatus | string | Marital status of the employee. |
phone2 | string | Alternate home phone number of the employee. |
taxId | string | Tax ID of the employee. |
salary | string | Salary of the employee. |
A ledger account contains a record of business transactions. It is a separate record within the general ledger that is assigned to a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense type.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
account | string | Reference given to each nominal ledger account for a business. It ensures money is allocated to the correct account. |
accName | string | Name of the ledger account |
accCategory | string | Main category of the ledger account. |
accSubCategory | string | Type of ledger account (sub category). |
description | string | Additional details (description) for the account. |
tranType | string | The type of transaction made to this account - Debit or Credit. |
id | string | Identifier for the account, unique for the company. |
status | string | The current state of the account. |
taxable | string | Indicator to display whether the amount in the account is taxable or not. |
taxCode | string | The default tax code associated with this account. |
createdDate | string | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
modifiedDate | string | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
cashFlowRate | string | The type of exchange rate that is used to translate foreign currency amounts for this account in the cash flow statement. |
currency | string | Currency of the account. |
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate used in the accounting system in order to convert the amount into the home currency. |
externalId | boolean | Friendly reference of the account (from external system). |
generalRate | date | The type of exchange rate that is used to translate foreign currency amounts for this account in the income statement, balance sheet, and other general purposes. |
amount | string | Current balance in the account. | | string | The unique identifier of the parent account of this ledger account. | | date | The name of the parent account of this ledger account. |
parentAcc.type | date | The type of the parent account of this ledger account. |
requireLoc | string | Indicator to display whether the access of this account is restricted to a location. | | number | The location unique identifier that has access privileges to this account. | | string | The location name that has access privileges to this account. |
location.type | string | The location type that has access privileges to this account. |
requireDept | date | Indicator to display whether the access of this account is restricted to a department. | | string | The department name that has access privileges to this account. |
department.type | date | The department type that has access privileges to this account. |
includeChildren | string | Indicator to display whether this account contains transactions of the company’s subsidiaries. | | string | The subsidiary name of the company, whose transactions are recorded in this account. |
subsidiary.type | string | The subsidiary type of the company, whose transactions are recorded in this account. |
amountCredit | string | The total amount that is made in credit to this account. |
active | boolean | Indicator to display whether the account is active or not. |
revalued | boolean | Indicator of whether the amount / transactions in this account be revalued at every accounting period or not. |
products (Order to Cash & Procure to Pay)
A product is an item offered for sale. A product can be a service or an item. It can be physical or in virtual or cyber form. Every product is made at a cost and each is sold at a price.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Identifier for the product, unique to the product in the accounting platform. |
name | string | Name of the product as recorded in the accounting system. |
taxable | boolean | Taxable status of the product. |
quantityAvailable | string | Quantity of the product available across locations. |
quantityBackOrdered | string | Quantity of the product back ordered across locations. |
quantityCommitted | string | Quantity committed to the customers from the quantity available across the locations. |
quantityOnHand | string | Quantity on hand of the product available across the locations. |
quantityOnOrder | string | Quantity on order of the product available across the locations. |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the product/reference of product from an external system |
inventoryStockUom | string | Unit of measurement of product for stocking purpose. |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
price | number | Price of the product for sales purpose. |
purchaseDescription | string | Any additional information about the product at the time of purchase. |
purchaseUom | string | Unit of measurement of product at the time of purchase. |
reOrderPoint | number | Reorder point of the product across the locations. |
salesDescription | string | Any additional information about the product for the purpose of sales. |
salesUom | string | Unit of measurement of product for the purpose of sales. |
weight | number | Weight of the product for the purpose of sales. |
active | boolean | Current status of the product. |
cost | number | Cost incurred for the product at the time of purchase. |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
inventoryStockDescription | string | Any additional information about the product during stocking. |
backOrderAllowed | boolean | Flag that depicts if product can be back ordered or not. |
assetAccount | string | General ledger account used to track inventory of the product. |
cogsAccount | string | General ledger account used to maintain the cost incurred for the product. |
expenseAccount | string | General ledger account used to maintain the over head expenses incurred for the product. |
incomeAccount | string | General ledger account that records income or revenue against the product. |
purchaseCurrency | string | Currency used at the time of purchasing the product. |
type | string | Type of product i.e. inventory/non-inventory. |
costingMethod | string | Costing method applied to calculate the cost of the product. |
dropShip | boolean | Depicts if drop ship option is available for the product or not. |
landedCost | string | Total cost involved in bringing the product to the warehouse. |
replenishmentMethod | string | Replenishment method being used to calculate demand of the product |
totalCost | number | Total cost involved in bringing the product to the warehouse along with cost of goods. |
salesTaxCode | string | Tax code applied at the time of sales. |
purchaseTaxCode | string | Tax code applied at the time of purchase. |
safetyStockUnits | number | Safety stock in units of the product across the locations. |
safetyStockDays | number | Safety stock in days of the product across the locations. |
priceList | array | Prices of the product across different locations |
locations | array | Locations, the product is available at. |
vendor | object | An object of the vendor from which the products have been ordered. |
department | object | An object of department for which the products have been ordered. |
parent | object | An object of parent product. |
Field | Type | Description |
priceList[*].id | string | Identifier of the product corresponding to the price list. |
priceList[*].currency | string | Currency of the product in the price list. |
priceList[*].quantity | string | Sale quantity of the product in the price list. |
priceList[*].price | string | Sale price of the product in the price list. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the supplier/vendor. | | string | Name of the supplier/vendor. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the department. | | string | Name of the department. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the parent product. | | string | Name of the parent product. |
customers (Order to Cash)
A customer is an individual or a business that purchases goods or services.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the customer/reference of customer from an external system. |
id | string | Identifier for the customer, unique to the company in the accounting platform. |
name | string | Name of the customer as recorded in the accounting system, typically the company name. |
active | boolean | Current state of the customer. |
currency | string | Currency the customer transacts in. |
creditLimit | number | Current credit limit of the customer. |
description | string | Any additional information about the customer. |
webSite | string | Web address of the customer. |
totalOutstandingAmount | number | Amount paid from the customer across all transactions. |
totalPaidAmount | number | Amount paid by the customer across all transactions. |
account | string | The account linked to the customer in the accounting system. |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
endDate | date | Date the customer stopped transacting as per accounting system. |
language | string | Language the customer transacts in |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
priceLevel | string | Prices of products valid for this customer. |
taxCode | string | Default tax code to be applied to the customer. |
taxId | string | Tax number/registration number of the customer. |
corporateAddress | object | An object of corporate addresses. |
contact | object | An object of contact. |
billingAddress | object | An object of billing addresses. |
shippingAddress | object | An object of shipping addresses. |
paymentTerms | object | An object of payment terms applicable to the customer. |
parent | object | An object of the parent company of the customer. Recorded only if the parent company is also a customer. |
subsidiary | object | An object of the subsidiary company of the customer. Recorded only if the subsidiary company is also a customer. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of customer's corporate address. | | string | Country of customer's corporate address. | | string | Identifier of customer's corporate address in accounting system. |
corporateAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of customer's corporate address. |
corporateAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of customer's corporate address. | | string | Phone number of customer's corporate address. |
corporateAddress.postalCode | string | Postal Code of customer's corporate address. |
corporateAddress.province | string | Province of customer's corporate address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of primary contact at customer. | | string | Country of primary contact at customer. |
contact.address.line1 | string | Address line 1 of primary contact at customer. |
contact.address.line2 | string | Address line 2 of primary contact at customer. |
contact.address.postalCode | string | Postal code of primary contact at customer. |
contact.address.province | string | Province/state of primary contact at customer. | | string | Email Id of primary contact at customer. |
contact.fax | string | Fax of primary contact at customer. |
contact.middleName | string | Middle name of primary contact at customer. | | string | Mobile number of primary contact at customer. |
contact.salutation | string | Salutation of primary contact at customer. |
contact.firstName | string | First name of primary contact at customer. |
contact.lastName | string | Last name of primary contact at customer. | | string | Phone number of primary contact at customer. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of customer's billing address | | string | Email Id of contact at customer's billing address | | string | First name of contact at customer's billing address | | string | Last name of contact at customer's billing address | | string | Middle name of contact at customer's billing address | | string | Country of customer's billing address | | string | Identifier of customer's billing address in accounting system. |
billingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of customer's billing address |
billingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of customer's billing address |
billingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal Code of customer's billing address |
billingAddress.province | string | Province/state of customer's billing address | | string | Phone number of customer's billing address |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of customer's shipping address. | | string | Email id of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | First name of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | Last name of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | Middle name of contact at customer's shipping addres | | string | Country of customer's shipping address. | | string | Identifier of customer's shipping address in accounting system. |
shipping.address.line1 | string | Address line 1 of customer's shipping address. |
shipping.address.line2 | string | Address line 2 of customer's shipping address. |
shipping.address.province | string | City of customer's shipping address. | | string | City of customer's shipping address. |
shipping.address.postalCode | string | City of customer's shipping address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of payment terms. | | string | Name of payment terms. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the parent company of the customer. | | string | Name of the parent company of the customer. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the subsidiary company of the customer. | | string | Name of the subsidiary company of the customer. |
sales-orders (Order to Cash)
A sales order is a commercial document and the first official offer received by a supplier/vendor indicating types and prices for products and/or services that have been agreed upon.
Data Models
Field | Type | Description |
amount | number | Amount of the sales order, inclusive of tax. |
currency | string | Currency of the sales order. |
id | string | Identifier for the sales order, unique to the sales order in the accounting platform. |
lines | array | An array of sales order line items. |
billingAddress | object | An object of billing address. |
salesOrderDate | date | Date of the sales order as recorded in the accounting system. |
isTaxable | boolean | The indicator which shows whether the amount and items are taxable or not. |
dueDate | date | Date when the payment of the sales order is due |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
paymentTerms | object | An object of Payment Terms applicable to the sales order. |
customer | object | An object of customer associated with the sales order. |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
department | object | An object of department for which the products have. |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the sales order/reference of sales order from an external system |
payment | array | An array of payment details pertaining to this sales order. |
status | string | Current status of the sales order transaction |
taxAmount | number | Amount of tax on the sales order. |
taxCode | string | Default tax code applied to the sales order. |
taxRate | string | Default tax rate applied to the sales order. |
description | string | The description / reference / notes associated with the sales order. |
customerPONumber | string | Customer purchase order associated with this sales order. |
totalOutstandingAmount | number | Total amount that is outstanding on the sales order. |
exchangeRate | number | Rate between the currency of the invoice and the base currency. |
subTotal | number | Total amount of the invoice excluding any taxes. |
shippingAddress | object | An object of shipping address. |
shippingCost | number | The cost incurred for shipping in the sales order. |
requestedShipDate | date | The requested date of delivery of the items in the sales order. |
Field | Type | Description |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the department for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the department for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*].description | string | The description / notes pertaining to the item. |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the location for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the department for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*].priceLevel.price | number | The unit cost of the product. |
lines[*] | string | The unique identifier of the product in this line. |
lines[*].productName | string | The name of the product in this line. |
lines[*].product.salesUom | string | The sales unit of measure of the product. |
lines[*].orderQuantity | number | The ordered quantity of the product in the sales order. |
lines[*].subTotal | number | Amount of the line excluding taxes. |
lines[*].taxAmount | number | The total tax amount of the line. |
lines[*].taxCode | string | The applied tax code pertaining to the line item. |
lines[*].taxRate | string | The percentage of tax applied to the line item. |
lines[*].totalAmount | number | The total amount of the line including taxes. |
lines[*].discountAmount | number | Numerical value of any discounts applied. |
lines[*].id | string | The unique identifier of the line in the sales order. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of customer's billing address | | string | Email id of contact at customer's billing address | | string | First name of contact at customer's billing address | | string | Last name of contact at customer's billing address | | string | Middle name of contact at customer's billing address | | string | Salutation of contact at customer's billing address | | string | Country of customer's billing address | | string | Identifier of customer's billing address in accounting system |
billingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of customer's billing address |
billingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of customer's billing address |
billingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of customer's billing address |
billingAddress.province | string | Province/state of customer's billing address | | string | Phone number of customer's billing address |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of customer's shipping address. | | string | Email id of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | First name of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | Last name of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | Middle name of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | Salutation of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | Country of customer's shipping address. | | string | Identifier of customer's shipping address in accounting system. |
shippingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of customer's shipping address. |
shippingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of customer's shipping address. |
shippingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of customer's shipping address. |
shippingAddress.province | string | Province/state of customer's shipping address. | | string | Phone number of customer's shipping address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the payment terms. | | string | Name of the payment terms. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the customer. | | string | Name of the customer. | | string | The customer contact person’s city. | | string | The customer contact person’s country. | | string | The customer contact person’s Address Line 1. | | string | The customer contact person’s Address Line 2. | | string | The customer contact person’s Postal Code. | | string | The customer contact person’s Province. | | string | The customer contact person’s email. | | string | The customer contact person’s First name. | | string | The customer contact person’s Last name. | | string | The customer contact person’s Middle name. | | string | The customer contact person’s mobile. | | string | The customer contact person’s phone number. |
ar-payments (Order to Cash)
Proceeds or payments received from customers who have purchased the goods or services on credit.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the payment/reference of payment from an external system. |
id | string | Identifier for the payment, unique to the company in the accounting platform. |
amount | number | Amount of the payment in the payment currency. |
customer | object | An object of customer associated with the payment. |
paymentDate | date | The date of the payment made. |
glPostDate | date | The date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger). |
lines | array | An array of payment lines. |
currency | string | Currency of the payment. |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
bankAccount | string | The bank account in which the payment was made. |
paymentReceiptDate | date | The date payment is received. |
account | string | The AR account in the accounting system linked to this transaction. |
description | string | Any additional information about the payment. |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
totalOutstandingAmount | number | Total amount outstanding from the customer. |
exchangeRate | number | Rate to convert the total amount of the payment into the base currency. |
reference | string | A friendly payment reference. |
checkNumber | string | The cheque number in case payment was made by cheque. |
cardNumber | string | The card number in case payment was made by card. |
cardName | string | The card name in case payment was made by card. |
cardExpiry | string | The card expiry date in case payment was made by card. |
paymentMethod | string | The mode of payment. |
Field | Type | Description |
lines[*].invoiceNumber | string | The invoice number associated with the payment. |
lines[*].type | string | The type of payment made. |
lines[*].amountDueAgainstInvoice | number | The total amount due against invoice. |
lines[*].amount | number | The amount paid against invoice in the payment. |
lines[*].id | string | The unique identifier of this line in the sales order. |
lines[*].discountAvailable | number | The total applicable discount amount on this payment. |
lines[*].discountDate | date | The date of the discount applied on the payment. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the customer. | | string | Name of the customer. |
product-invoices (Order to Cash)
A commercial document related to a sales transaction issued to a customer, indicating the products, quantities and prices for products the seller/vendor provides along with the payment terms that have been agreed upon.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
amount | number | Amount of the invoice, inclusive of tax. |
currency | string | Currency of the invoice. |
id | string | Identifier for the invoice, unique to the company in the accounting platform. |
lines | array | An array of invoice line items. |
billingAddress | object | An object of billing address. |
invoiceDate | date | Date of the invoice as recorded in the accounting system. |
dueDate | date | Date the customer is due to be paid by. |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
paymentTerms | object | An object of Payment Terms applied to the invoice |
customer | object | An object of customer associated with the invoice |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system |
department | object | An object of department for which the products have been ordered |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the invoice/reference of invoice from an external system |
location | object | An object of location for which the products have been ordered. |
payment | array | An array of payment details pertaining to the invoice |
status | string | Current status of the invoice |
taxAmount | number | Total tax amount against the invoice |
taxCode | string | Default tax code applied to the invoice. |
taxName | string | The tax description of the default tax to be applied to the invoice. |
taxRate | string | Default tax rate applied to the invoice |
description | string | The description / reference / notes associated with the invoice |
discountDate | date | The date of discount recorded in the accounting system for the invoice |
parentDocumentNumber | string | Customer purchase order/Sales order associated with this invoice |
totalAmountDue | number | Total amount that is due on the invoice |
totalAmountPaid | number | Total amount that is paid on the invoice |
discountAmount | number | Numerical value of discounts applied to the invoice |
discountRate | string | Applied discount rate on the invoice |
glPostDate | date | The date of posting of the transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger) |
account | string | The General Ledger account in which the transaction is posted |
language | string | Default language code used by the customer |
exchangeRate | number | Rate between the currency of the invoice and the base currency. |
subTotal | number | The total amount of invoice excluding taxes |
fullPaymentDate | date | Date the invoice was marked as paid in the accounting system |
shippingAddress | object | An object of shipping address |
shippingCost | number | The cost incurred for shipping in the invoice |
shippingMethod | string | The shipping method and terms used for the products in the invoice |
shippingTaxAmount | number | The tax amount applied for shipping of the invoice products |
shippingTaxCode | string | The default tax code applied for the shipping of the invoice products |
shippingTaxRate | string | The default tax rate applied for the shipping of the invoice products |
revRecEndDate | date | Revenue recognition end date |
revRecStartDate | date | Revenue recognition start date |
handlingCost | number | The inventory cost incurred for handling the products of the invoice |
handlingTaxCode | string | The default tax code applied for the inventory handling of the invoice products |
handlingTaxRate | string | The default tax rate applied for the inventory handling of the invoice products |
Field | Type | Description |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the department for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the department for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*].description | string | The description / notes pertaining to the product |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the location for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the location for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*].product.cost | number | The unit cost of the product |
lines[*] | string | The unique identifier of the product in this line |
lines[*] | string | The name of the product in this line |
lines[*].product.salesUom | string | The sales unit of measure of the product |
lines[*].quantity | number | Number of units of product provided |
lines[*].subTotal | number | The total amount of the line excluding taxes |
lines[*].taxAmount | number | Amount of tax for the line |
lines[*].taxCode | string | The applicable tax code pertaining to the line |
lines[*].taxName | string | The applicable tax description pertaining to the line |
lines[*].account | string | The applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded |
lines[*].taxRate | string | The percentage of tax applicable to the line item |
lines[*].totalAmount | number | The total amount of the line including taxes |
lines[*].discountRate | string | The total discount rate applied for the line |
lines[*].discountAmount | number | Numerical value of any discounts applied for the line |
lines[*].id | string | The unique identifier of the line in the invoice |
lines[*].isTaxable | boolean | Indicator whether the line is taxable or not |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of customer's billing address | | string | Email id of contact at customer's billing address | | string | First name of contact at customer's billing address | | string | Last name of contact at customer's billing address | | string | Middle name of contact at customer's billing address | | string | Salutation / Title of contact at customer's billing | | string | Country of customer's billing address | | string | Identifier of customer's billing address in accounting system |
billingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of customer's billing address |
billingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of customer's billing address |
billingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of customer's billing address |
billingAddress.province | string | Province of customer's billing address | | string | Phone number of customer's billing address |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of customer's shipping address. | | string | Email id of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | First name of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | Last name of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | Middle name of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | Salutation / Title of contact at customer's shipping address. | | string | Country of customer's shipping address. | | string | Identifier of customer's shipping address in accounting system. |
shippingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of customer's shipping address. |
shippingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of customer's shipping address. |
shippiingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of customer's shipping address. |
shippingAddress.province | string | Province of customer's shipping address. | | string | Phone number of customer's shipping address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the payment terms. | | string | Name of the payment terms. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the customer | | string | Name of the customer | | string | The customer contact person’s city | | string | The customer contact person’s country | | string | The customer contact person’s Address Line 1 | | string | The customer contact person’s Address Line 2 | | string | The customer contact person’s Postal Code | | string | The customer contact person’s Province | | string | The customer contact person’s email | | string | The customer contact person’s first name | | string | The customer contact person’s last name | | string | The customer contact person’s middle name | | string | The customer contact person’s mobile | | string | The customer contact person’s phone number |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the department | | string | Name of the department |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the location | | string | Name of the location |
Field | Type | Description |
payment[*].id | string | Identifier of the payment. |
payment[*].lines[*].amount | number | Amount paid(in the currency of the invoice) for this particular invoice. |
payment[*].lines[*].id | string | Unique payment line identifier. |
payment[*].currency | string | Currency of the payment amount. |
payment[*].paymentDate | date | The date of the payment made. |
payment[*].exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate used by the accounting for the payment amount to convert into local currency. |
expense-invoices (Order to Cash)
A commercial document related to a sales transaction issued to a customer, indicating the services and prices for the services provided to the customer along with the payment terms that have been agreed upon.
Data Models
Field | Type | Description |
amount | number | Amount of the invoice, inclusive of tax. |
currency | string | Currency of the invoice. |
id | string | Identifier for the invoice, unique to the company in the accounting platform. |
lines | array | An array of invoice line items. |
billingAddress | object | An object of billing address. |
invoiceDate | date | Date of the invoice as recorded in the accounting system. |
dueDate | date | Date the customer is due to be paid by. |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
paymentTerms | object | An object of Payment Terms applied to the invoice. |
customer | object | An object of customer associated with the invoice. |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
department | object | An object of department for which the services have been ordered. |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the invoice/reference of invoice from an external system. |
location | object | An object of location for which the services have been ordered. |
payment | array | An array of payment details pertaining to the invoice. |
status | string | Current status of the invoice. |
taxAmount | number | Total tax amount against the invoice. |
taxCode | string | Default tax code applied to the invoice. |
taxName | string | The tax description of the default tax to be applied to the invoice. |
taxRate | string | Default tax rate applied to the invoice. |
description | string | The description/reference/notes associated with the invoice. |
discountDate | date | The date of discount recorded in the accounting system for the invoice. |
parentDocumentNumber | string | Customer purchase order/Sales order associated with this invoice. |
totalAmountDue | number | Total amount that is due on the invoice. |
totalAmountPaid | number | Total amount that is paid on the invoice. |
discountAmount | number | Numerical value of discounts applied to the invoice. |
discountRate | string | Applied discount rate on the invoice. |
glPostDate | date | The date of posting of the transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger). |
account | string | The General Ledger account in which the transaction is posted. |
language | string | Default language code used by the customer. |
exchangeRate | number | Rate between the currency of the invoice and the base currency. |
subTotal | number | The total amount of invoice excluding taxes. |
fullPaymentDate | date | Date the invoice was marked as paid in the accounting system. |
revRecEndDate | date | Revenue recognition end date. |
revRecStartDate | date | Revenue recognition start date. |
Field | Type | Description |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the department for which the services has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the department for which the services has been ordered. |
lines[*].description | string | The description/notes pertaining to the services. |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the location for which the services has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the location for which the services has been ordered. |
lines[*].subTotal | number | The total amount of the line excluding taxes. |
lines[*].taxAmount | number | Amount of tax for the line. |
lines[*].taxCode | string | The applicable tax code pertaining to the line. |
lines[*].taxName | string | The applicable tax description pertaining to the line. |
lines[*].taxRate | string | The percentage of tax applicable to the line item. |
lines[*].account | string | The applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded. |
lines[*].totalAmount | number | The total amount of the line including taxes. |
lines[*].discountRate | string | The total discount rate applied for the line. |
lines[*].discountAmount | number | Numerical value of any discounts applied for the line. |
lines[*].id | string | The unique identifier of the line in the invoice. |
lines[*].isTaxable | boolean | Indicator whether the line is taxable or not. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of customer's billing address. | | string | Email of contact at customer's billing address. | | string | First name of contact at customer's billing address. | | string | Last name of contact at customer's billing address. | | string | Middle name of contact at customer's billing address. | | string | Salutation/Title of contact at customer's billing address. | | string | Country of customer's billing address. | | string | Identifier of customer's billing address in accounting system. |
billingAddress.line1 | string | Address line1 of customer's billing address. |
billingAddress.line2 | string | Address line2 of customer's billing address. |
billingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of customer's billing address. |
billingAddress.province | string | Province of customer's billing address. | | string | Phone number of customer's billing address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the payment terms. |
| | string | Name of the payment terms. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the customer. | | string | Name of the customer. | | string | The customer contact person’s city. | | string | The customer contact person’s country. | | string | The customer contact person’s address line 1. | | string | The customer contact person’s address line 2. | | string | The customer contact person’s postal code. | | string | The customer contact person’s province. | | string | The customer contact person’s email. | | string | The customer contact person’s first name. | | string | The customer contact person’s last name. | | string | The customer contact person’s middle name. | | string | The customer contact person’s mobile. | | string | The customer contact person’s phone. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the department | | string | Name of the department |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the location | | string | Name of the location |
Field | Type | Description |
payment[*].id | string | Identifier of the payment. |
payment[*].lines[*].amount | number | Amount paid(in the currency of the invoice) for this particular invoice. |
payment[*].lines[*].id | string | Unique payment line identifier. |
payment[*].currency | string | Currency of the payment amount. |
payment[*].paymentDate | date | The date of the payment made. |
payment[*].exchangeRate[*] | number | The exchange rate used by the accounting for the payment amount to convert into local currency. |
vendors (Procure to Pay)
A vendor is an individual or a business that provides goods or services.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the customer/reference of customer from an external system. |
id | string | Identifier for the customer, unique to the company in the accounting platform. |
name | string | Name of the customer as recorded in the accounting system, typically the company name. |
active | boolean | Current state of the customer. |
currency | string | Currency in which transactions are made with the vendor. |
creditLimit | number | Current credit limit available from the vendor. |
description | string | Any additional information about the vendor. |
webSite | string | Web address of the vendor. |
totalOutstandingAmount | number | Amount paid to the vendor across all transactions. |
account | string | The account linked to the vendor in the accounting system. |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
language | string | Language the customer transacts in. |
bankAccountNumber | string | Bank Account Number of the vendor to which payments are made. |
type | string | Type of the vendor i.e. Primary, alternate etc. |
corporateAddress | object | An object of corporate addresses |
contact | object | An object of contact. |
billingAddress | object | An object of billing addresses. |
shippingAddress | object | An object of shipping addresses. |
paymentTerms | object | An object of payment terms applicable to the customer. |
parent | object | An object of the parent company of the vendor. Recorded only if the parent company is also a vendor.. |
subsidiary | object | An object of the subsidiary company of the vendor. Recorded only if the subsidiary company is also a vendor. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of vendor's corporate address. | | string | Country of vendor's corporate address. | | string | Identifier of vendor's corporate address in accounting system. |
corporateAddress.line1 | string | Address line1 of vendor's corporate address. |
corporateAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of vendor's corporate address. | | string | Phone number of vendor's corporate address. |
corporateAddress.postalCode | string | Postal Code of vendor's corporate address. |
corporateAddress.province | string | Province of vendor's corporate address |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of the primary contact at vendor. | | string | Country of the primary contact at vendor. |
contact.address.line1 | string | Address line 1 of the primary contact at vendor. |
contact.address.line2 | string | Address line 2 of the primary contact at vendor. |
contact.address.postalCode | string | Postal Code of the primary contact at vendor. |
contact.address.province | string | Province/state of the primary contact at vendor. | | string | Email id of the primary contact at vendor. |
contact.fax | string | Fax of the primary contact at vendor. |
contact.middleName | string | Middle name of the primary contact at vendor. | | number | Mobile number of the primary contact at vendor. |
contact.salutation | string | Salutation of the primary contact at vendor. |
contact.firstName | string | First name of the primary contact at vendor. |
contact.lastName | string | Last name of the primary contact at vendor. | | string | Phone number of the primary contact at vendor. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of vendor's billing address | | string | Email of contact at vendor's billing address | | string | First name of contact at vendor's billing address | | string | Last name of contact at vendor's billing address | | string | Middle name of contact at vendor's billing address | | string | Country of vendor's billing address | | string | Identifier of vendor's billing address in accounting system |
billingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of vendor's billing address |
billingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of vendor's billing address |
billingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of vendor's billing address |
billingAddress.province | string | Province of vendor's billing address | | string | Phone number of vendor's billing address |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of vendor's shipping address. | | string | Email Id of contact at vendor's shipping address. | | string | First name of contact at vendor's shipping address. | | string | Last name of contact at vendor's shipping address. | | string | Middle name of contact at vendor's shipping address. | | string | Country of vendor's shipping address. | | string | Identifier of vendor's shipping address in accounting system. |
shipping.address.line1 | string | Address line 1 of vendor's shipping address. |
shipping.address.line2 | string | Address line 2 of vendor's shipping address. |
shipping.address.province | string | Province/state of vendor's shipping address. | | string | Phone of vendor's shipping address. |
shipping.address.postalCode | string | Postal code of vendor's shipping address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the parent company of the vendor. | | string | Name of the parent company of the vendor. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the subsidiary company of the vendor. | | string | Name of the subsidiary company of the vendor. |
product-bills (Procure to Pay)
A commercial document related to a sales transaction issued by a seller/vendor, indicating the products, quantities and costs for the services that the seller/vendor provides along with the payment terms that have been agreed upon.
Data Models
Field | Type | Description |
amount | number | Amount of the bill including tax. |
currency | string | Currency of the bill |
id | string | Identifier for the bill, unique to the bill in the accounting platform. |
lines | array | An array of bill lines. |
billingAddress | object | An object of billing address |
billDate | date | Date of the bill as recorded in the accounting platform. |
dueDate | date | Date the supplier is due to be paid. |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
paymentTerms | object | An object of Payment Terms applied to the bill. |
vendor | object | An object of vendor associated with the bill. |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
department | object | An object of department for which the products have been ordered. |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the bill/reference of bill (invoice) from an external system. |
lastPaidDate | date | The date of the last payment pertaining to this bill. |
location | object | An object of location for which the products have been ordered. |
payment | array | An array of payment details pertaining to this bill. |
status | string | Current status of this bill. |
taxAmount | number | Total tax amount on the bill. |
creditLimit | number | Current credit limit available from the vendor. |
description | string | The description / reference / notes associated with the bill. |
discountDate | date | The date of discount recorded in the accounting system for the bill. |
isOnHold | boolean | Indicator of whether the bill is on hold or active. |
purchase-order | object | An object of purchase order associated with this bill. |
totalAmountDue | number | Total amount that is due against the bill. |
totalAmountPaid | number | Total amount that is paid against the bill. |
discountAmount | number | Total discount amount applied on the bill. |
glPostDate | date | The date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger). |
account | string | The General Ledger account in which this transaction is posted. |
landedCost | number | The bill of lading cost associated with this bill. |
exchangeRate | number | Rate between the currency of the bill and the base currency. |
subTotal | number | The total amount of bill excluding any taxes. |
Field | Type | Description |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the department for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the department for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*].description | string | The description / notes pertaining to the product. |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the location for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the location for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*].product.cost | number | The unit cost of the product. |
lines[*] | string | The unique identifier of the product to which the line is linked. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the product to which the line is linked. |
lines[*].product.purchaseUom | string | The purchasing unit of measurement of the product to which the line is linked. |
lines[*].quantity | number | The quantity of the product received. |
lines[*].subTotal | number | Amount of the line, inclusive of discounts but exclusive of tax. |
lines[*].taxAmount | number | Amount of tax for the line. |
lines[*].taxCode | string | The applicable tax code pertaining to the line. |
lines[*].account | string | The applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded. |
lines[*].taxRate | string | The tax rate to which the line is linked. |
lines[*].totalAmount | number | The total amount of the line including taxes. |
lines[*] | string | The unique identifier of the customer who has ordered the item. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the customer who has ordered the item. |
lines[*].discountAmount | number | The total applicable discount on this line item. |
lines[*].id | string | The unique identifier of the line in the bill. |
lines[*].billableStatus | string | The current state of the line. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of the vendor's billing address. | | string | Email of contact at vendor’s billing address. | | string | First name of contact at vendor’s billing address. | | string | Last name of contact at vendor’s billing address. | | string | Middle name of contact at vendor’s billing address. | | string | Salutation of contact at vendor’s billing address. | | string | Country of vendor’s billing address. | | string | Identifier of vendor’s billing address in accounting system. |
billingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 2 of vendor’s billing address. |
billingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of vendor’s billing address. |
billingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of vendor’s billing address. |
billingAddress.province | string | Province/state of vendor’s billing address. | | string | Phone of vendor’s billing address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the payment terms. | | string | Name of the payment terms. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the supplier / vendor | | string | Name of the supplier / vendor |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the department. | | string | Name of the department. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the location. | | string | Name of the location. |
Field | Type | Description |
payment[*].id | string | Identifier for this payment. |
payment[*].amount | string | Amount paid for this payment. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | The unique identifier of purchase order. |
product-purchase-orders(Procure to Pay)
A purchase order is a commercial document and the first official offer issued by a customer indicating types, quantities, and prices for products that have been agreed upon.
Data Models
Field | Type | Description |
amount | number | Amount of the purchase order, inclusive of tax. |
currency | string | Currency of the purchase order. |
id | string | Identifier for the purchase order, unique to the purchase order in the accounting platform. |
lines | array | An array of purchase order lines |
billingAddress | object | An object of billing address |
purchaseOrderDate | date | Date of the invoice as recorded in the accounting system. |
dueDate | date | Date the purchase order is due to be paid by. |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
paymentTerms | object | An object of Payment Terms applicable to the purchase order |
vendor | object | An object of vendor associated with the purchase order |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system |
bill | array | An array of bills associated with this purchase order |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the purchase order/reference of purchase order from an external system |
status | string | Current status of this purchase order |
taxAmount | number | Amount of tax on the purchase order. |
taxCode | string | Default tax code applied to the purchase order. |
description | string | The description / reference / notes associated with the purchase order |
totalAmountDue | number | Total amount that is due on the purchase order |
totalAmountPaid | number | Total amount that is paid on that purchase order |
glPostDate | date | The date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger) |
account | string | The General Ledger account in which this transaction is posted |
exchangeRate | number | Rate between the currency of the purchase order and the base currency |
subTotal | number | Total amount of the purchase order excluding any taxes. |
shippingAddress | object | An object of shipping address |
shippingMethod | string | The shipping method and terms used for the products in the purchase order |
creditLimit | number | Current credit limit available from the vendor. |
shipDate | date | The expected delivery date of the products in purchase order |
Field | Type | Description |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the department for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the department for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*].description | string | The description / notes pertaining to the item. |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the location for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the location for which the product has been ordered. |
lines[*].product.cost | number | The unit cost of the product in the line. |
lines[*] | string | The unique identifier of the product in the line. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the product in the line. |
lines[*].product.purchaseUom | string | The purchase unit of measure of the product. |
lines[*].orderedQuantity | number | The ordered quantity of the product in the purchase order. |
lines[*].subTotal | number | Amount of the line, inclusive of discounts but exclusive of tax. |
lines[*].taxAmount | number | The total tax amount of the line. |
lines[*].taxCode | string | The applied tax code pertaining to the line. |
lines[*].taxName | string | The applied tax description pertaining to the line. |
lines[*].account | string | The applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded. |
lines[*].taxRate | string | The percentage of tax applied to the line. |
lines[*].totalAmount | number | The total amount of the line including taxes. |
lines[*] | string | The unique identifier of the customer for whom the product is being procured. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the customer for whom the product is being procured. |
lines[*].discountAmount | number | Numerical value of any discounts applied. |
lines[*].discountRate | string | The total discount rate applied on this line. |
lines[*].id | string | The unique identifier of the line in the purchase order. |
lines[*].isTaxable | boolean | Indicator whether the line is taxable or not. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of supplier's billing address. | | string | Email of contact at supplier's billing address. | | string | First name of contact at supplier's billing address. | | string | Last name of contact at supplier's billing address. | | string | Middle name of contact at supplier's billing address. | | string | Salutation/Title of contact at supplier's billing address. | | string | Country of supplier's billing address. | | string | Identifier of supplier's billing address in accounting system. |
billingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of supplier's billing address. |
billingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 code of supplier's billing address. |
billingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of supplier's billing address. |
billingAddress.province | string | Province of supplier's billing address. | | string | Phone number of supplier's billing address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of supplier's shipping address. | | string | Email of contact at supplier's shipping address. | | string | First name of contact at supplier's shipping address. | | string | Last name of contact at supplier's shipping address. | | string | Middle name of contact at supplier's shipping address. | | string | Salutation/title of contact at supplier's shipping address. | | string | Country of supplier's shipping address. | | string | Identifier of supplier's shipping address in accounting system. |
shippingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of supplier's shipping address. |
shippingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of supplier's shipping address. |
shippingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of supplier's shipping address. |
shippingAddress.province | string | Province of supplier's shipping address. | | string | Phone number of supplier's shipping address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the payment terms. | | string | Name of the payment terms. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the vendor. | | string | Name of the vendor. | | string | The vendor contact person’s city. | | string | The vendor contact person’s country. | | string | The vendor contact person’s Address Line 1. | | string | The vendor contact person’s Address Line 2. | | string | The vendor contact person’s postal code. | | string | The vendor contact person’s province. | | string | The vendor contact person’s email. | | string | The vendor contact person’s first name. | | string | The vendor contact person’s last name. | | string | The vendor contact person’s middle name. | | string | The vendor contact person’s mobile. | | string | The vendor contact person’s phone number. |
Field | Type | Description |
bill[*].id | string | Unique Identifier of the bill |
expense-purchase-orders (Procure to Pay)
A purchase order is a commercial document and the first official offer issued by a customer indicating types and prices for services that have been agreed upon.
Data Models
Field | Type | Description |
amount | number | Amount of the purchase order, inclusive of tax. |
currency | string | Currency of the purchase order. |
id | string | Identifier for the purchase order, unique to the purchase order in the accounting platform. |
lines | array | An array of purchase order lines |
billingAddress | object | An object of billing address |
purchaseOrderDate | date | Date of the invoice as recorded in the accounting system. |
dueDate | date | Date the purchase order is due to be paid by. |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
paymentTerms | object | An object of Payment Terms applicable to the purchase order |
vendor | object | An object of vendor associated with the purchase order |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
bill | array | An array of bills associated with this purchase order |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the purchase order/reference of purchase order from an external system |
status | string | Current status of this purchase order |
taxAmount | number | Amount of tax on the purchase order. |
taxCode | string | Default tax code applied to the purchase order. |
description | string | The description/reference/notes associated with the purchase order |
totalAmountDue | number | Total amount that is due on the purchase order |
totalAmountPaid | number | Total amount that is paid on that purchase order |
glPostDate | date | The date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger) |
account | string | The General Ledger account in which this transaction is posted |
exchangeRate | number | Rate between the currency of the purchase order and the base currency |
subTotal | number | Total amount of the purchase order excluding any taxes. |
creditLimit | number | Current credit limit available from the vendor. |
Field | Type | Description |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the department for which the service has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the department for which the service has been ordered. |
lines[*].description | string | The description/notes pertaining to the services. |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the location for which the services has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the location for which the service has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The unique identifier of the customer for whom the service is being procured. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the customer for whom the service is being procured. |
lines[*].subTotal | number | Amount of the line, inclusive of discounts but exclusive of tax. |
lines[*].taxAmount | number | The total tax amount of the line. |
lines[*].taxCode | string | The applied tax code pertaining to the line. |
lines[*].taxName | string | The applied tax description pertaining to the line. |
lines[*].account | string | The applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded. |
lines[*].taxRate | string | The percentage of tax applied to the line. |
lines[*].totalAmount | number | The total amount of the line including taxes. |
lines[*].discountAmount | number | Numerical value of any discounts applied. |
lines[*].discountRate | string | The total discount rate applied on this line. |
lines[*].id | string | The unique identifier of the line in the purchase order. |
lines[*].isTaxable | boolean | Indicator whether the line is taxable or not. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of supplier's billing address. | | string | Email of contact at supplier's billing address. | | string | First name of contact at supplier's billing address. | | string | Last name of contact at supplier's billing address. | | string | Middle name of contact at supplier's billing address. | | string | Salutation/title of contact at supplier's billing address. | | string | Country of supplier's billing address. | | string | Identifier of supplier's billing address in accounting system. |
billingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of supplier's billing address. |
billingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of supplier's billing address. |
billingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of supplier's billing address. |
billingAddress.province | string | Province of supplier's billing address. | | string | Phone number of supplier's billing address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the payment terms. | | string | Name of the payment terms. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the vendor. | | string | Name of the vendor. | | string | The vendor contact person’s city. | | string | The vendor contact person’s country. | | string | The vendor contact person’s address line 1. | | string | The vendor contact person’s address line 2. | | string | The vendor contact person’s postal code. | | string | The vendor contact person’s province. | | string | The vendor contact person’s email. | |
| The vendor contact person’s first name. | | string | The vendor contact person’s last name. | | string | The vendor contact person’s middle name. | | string | The vendor contact person’s mobile. | | string | The vendor contact person’s phone number. |
Field | Type | Description |
bill[*].id | string | Unique Identifier of the bill. |
expense-bills (Procure to Pay)
A commercial document related to a sales transaction issued by a seller/vendor, indicating the services and costs for the services that the seller/vendor provides along with the payment terms that have been agreed upon.
Data Models
Field | Type | Description |
amount | number | Amount of the bill including tax. |
currency | string | Currency of the bill. |
id | string | Identifier for the bill, unique to the bill in the accounting platform. |
lines | array | An array of bill lines. |
billingAddress | object | An object of billing address. |
billDate | date | Date of the bill as recorded in the accounting platform. |
dueDate | date | Date the supplier is due to be paid. |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
paymentTerms | object | An object of Payment Terms applied to the bill. |
vendor | object | An object of vendor associated with the bill. |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
department | object | An object of department for which the services have been ordered. |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the bill/reference of bill (invoice) from an external system. |
lastPaidDate | date | The date of the last payment pertaining to this bill. |
location | object | An object of location for which the services have been ordered. |
payment | array | An array of payment details pertaining to this bill. |
status | string | Current status of this bill. |
taxAmount | number | Total tax amount on the bill. |
creditLimit | number | Current credit limit available from the vendor. |
description | string | The description/reference/notes associated with the bill. |
discountDate | date | The date of discount recorded in the accounting system for the bill. |
isOnHold | boolean | Indicator of whether the bill is on hold or active. |
purchase-order | object | An object of purchase order associated with this bill. |
totalAmountDue | number | Total amount that is due against the bill. |
totalAmountPaid | number | Total amount that is paid against the bill. |
discountAmount | number | Total discount amount applied on the bill. |
glPostDate | date | The date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger). |
account | string | The General Ledger account in which this transaction is posted. |
landedCost | number | The bill of lading cost associated with this bill. |
exchangeRate | number | Rate between the currency of the bill and the base currency. |
subTotal | number | The total amount of bill excluding any taxes. |
Field | Type | Description |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the department for which the service has been ordered. |
lines[*] | string | The name of the department for which the services has been ordered. |
lines[*].description | string | The description / notes pertaining to the service |
lines[*] | string | The unique id of the location for which the service has been ordered |
lines[*] | string | The name of the location for which the service has been ordered. |
lines[*].subTotal | number | Amount of the line, inclusive of discounts but exclusive of tax. |
lines[*].taxAmount | number | Amount of tax for the line |
lines[*].taxCode | string | The applicable tax code pertaining to the line |
lines[*].account | string | The applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded |
lines[*].taxRate | string | The tax rate to which the line is linked. |
lines[*].totalAmount | number | The total amount of the line including taxes |
lines[*] | string | The unique identifier of the customer who has ordered the service |
lines[*] | string | The name of the customer who has ordered the service |
lines[*].discountAmount | number | The total applicable discount on this line |
lines[*].id | string | The unique identifier of the line in the bill |
lines[*].billableStatus | string | The current state of the line |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | City of vendor’s billing address. | | string | Email Id name of contact at vendor’s billing address. | | string | First name of contact at vendor’s billing address. | | string | Last name of contact at vendor’s billing address. | | string | Middle name of contact at vendor’s billing address. | | string | Salutation of contact at vendor’s billing address. | | string | Country of vendor’s billing address. | | string | Identifier of vendor’s billing address in accounting system. |
billingAddress.line1 | string | Address line 1 of vendor’s billing address. |
billingAddress.line2 | string | Address line 2 of vendor’s billing address. |
billingAddress.postalCode | string | Postal code of vendor’s billing address. |
billingAddress.province | string | Province/state of vendor’s billing address. | | string | Phone number of vendor’s billing address. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the payment terms | | string | Name of the payment terms |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the supplier/vendor | | string | Name of the supplier/vendor |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the department | | string | Name of the department |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the location | | string | Name of the location |
Field | Type | Description |
payment[*].id | string | Identifier of this payment |
payment[*].amount | number | Amount paid for this payment |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | The unique identifier of purchase order |
ap-payments (Procure to Pay)
Proceeds or payments paid to suppliers/vendors for the goods or services purchased on credit.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
externalId | string | Friendly reference of the payment/reference of payment from an external system. |
id | string | Identifier for the payment, unique to the company in the accounting platform. |
amount | number | Amount of the payment in the payment currency. |
vendor | object | An object of vendor associated with the payment. |
paymentDate | date | The date of the payment made. |
glPostDate | date | The date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger). |
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate used in the accounting system in order to convert the amount into the home currency. |
lines | array | An array of payment lines. |
currency | string | Currency used in the payment. |
description | string | Any additional information about the payment. |
totalOutstandingAmount | number | Total amount to be paid to the vendor. |
checkBankAccount | string | The bank account in which the payment by cheque was made. |
createdDate | date | Date the record was created in the accounting system. |
account | string | The AP account in the accounting system linked to this transaction. |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the accounting system. |
totalInvoicesSelected | number | Total invoices(bills) associated with this payment. |
checkNumber | string | The cheque number in case payment was made by cheque. |
ccBankAccount | string | The bank account in which the payment by card was made. |
paymentMethod | string | The mode of payment. |
Field | Type | Description |
lines[*].billNumber | string | The bill number associated with the payment. |
lines[*].bill[*].id | string | The unique bill id associated with the payment. |
lines[*].type | string | The type of payment made. |
lines[*].amountDueAgainstInvoice | number | The total amount due against bill. |
lines[*].amount | number | The total amount paid against bill in the payment. |
lines[*].id | string | The unique identifier of this line in the payment. |
lines[*].discountAvailable | number | The total applicable discount amount on this payment. |
lines[*].discountDate | date | The date of the discount applied on the payment. |
Field | Type | Description |
---| | string | Identifier of the customer. | | string | Name of the customer. |