Virtual Data Resources Automapper Templates

Templates are pre-built VDR definitions that aim to help reducing the time that you take to build a VDR. In this section, you can find various templates that can be used for Finance use cases i.e. Order-to-Cash and Procure-to-Pay.


Data Model

emailstringPersonal email ID of the employee.
idstringIdentifier for the employee, unique to the employee in the system.
firstNamestringFirst name of the employee.
lastNamestringLast name of the employee.
middleNamestringMiddle name of the employee.
mobilestringMobile number of the employee.
phonestringPhone number of the employee.
address.citystringCity of employee's address.
address.countrystringCountry of employee's address.
address.line1stringAddress line 1 of employee's address.
address.line2stringAddress line 2 of employee's address.
address.postalcodestringPostal code of employee's address.
address.provincestringProvince/state of employee's address.
faxnumberFax number of the employee.
statusbooleanCurrent status of the employee.
dobdateDate of birth of the employee.
externalIdstringFriendly reference of the employee/reference of employee from an external system.
genderstringGender of the employee.
hireDatedateEmployee's date of hiring.

Employee's date of release.

salutationstringSalutation of the employee.
ssnnumberSocial security number of the employee.
titlestringDesignation of the employee.
typestringType of employee. Permanent/On contract etc.
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the system.
departmentNamestringName of the department employee belongs to.
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the system.
officePhonestringOffice Phone number of the employee.
currencystringCurrency in which employee is paid in.
email2stringAlternate personal email ID of the employee.
maritalStatusstringMarital status of the employee.
phone2stringAlternate home phone number of the employee.
taxIdstringTax ID of the employee.
salarystringSalary of the employee.


A ledger account contains a record of business transactions. It is a separate record within the general ledger that is assigned to a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense type.

Data Model

accountstringReference given to each nominal ledger account for a business. It ensures money is allocated to the correct account.
accNamestringName of the ledger account
accCategorystringMain category of the ledger account.
accSubCategorystringType of ledger account (sub category).
descriptionstringAdditional details (description) for the account.
tranTypestringThe type of transaction made to this account - Debit or Credit.
idstringIdentifier for the account, unique for the company.
statusstringThe current state of the account.
taxablestringIndicator to display whether the amount in the account is taxable or not.
taxCodestringThe default tax code associated with this account.
createdDatestringDate the record was created in the accounting system.
modifiedDatestringDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
cashFlowRatestringThe type of exchange rate that is used to translate foreign currency amounts for this account in the cash flow statement.
currencystringCurrency of the account.
exchangeRatenumberThe exchange rate used in the accounting system in order to convert the amount into the home currency.
externalIdbooleanFriendly reference of the account (from external system).
generalRatedateThe type of exchange rate that is used to translate foreign currency amounts for this account in the income statement, balance sheet, and other general purposes.
amountstringCurrent balance in the account.
parentAcc.idstringThe unique identifier of the parent account of this ledger account.
parentAcc.namedateThe name of the parent account of this ledger account.

The type of the parent account of this ledger account.

requireLocstringIndicator to display whether the access of this account is restricted to a location.
location.idnumberThe location unique identifier that has access privileges to this account.
location.namestringThe location name that has access privileges to this account.
location.typestringThe location type that has access privileges to this account.
requireDeptdateIndicator to display whether the access of this account is restricted to a department.
department.namestringThe department name that has access privileges to this account.
department.typedateThe department type that has access privileges to this account.
includeChildrenstringIndicator to display whether this account contains transactions of the company’s subsidiaries.
subsidiary.namestringThe subsidiary name of the company, whose transactions are recorded in this account.
subsidiary.typestringThe subsidiary type of the company, whose transactions are recorded in this account.
amountCreditstringThe total amount that is made in credit to this account.
activebooleanIndicator to display whether the account is active or not.
revaluedbooleanIndicator of whether the amount / transactions in this account be revalued at every accounting period or not.

products (Order to Cash & Procure to Pay)

A product is an item offered for sale. A product can be a service or an item. It can be physical or in virtual or cyber form. Every product is made at a cost and each is sold at a price.

Data Model

idstringIdentifier for the product, unique to the product in the accounting platform.
namestringName of the product as recorded in the accounting system.
taxablebooleanTaxable status of the product.
quantityAvailablestringQuantity of the product available across locations.
quantityBackOrderedstringQuantity of the product back ordered across locations.
quantityCommittedstringQuantity committed to the customers from the quantity available across the locations.
quantityOnHandstringQuantity on hand of the product available across the locations.
quantityOnOrderstringQuantity on order of the product available across the locations.
externalIdstringFriendly reference of the product/reference of product from an external system
inventoryStockUomstringUnit of measurement of product for stocking purpose.
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
pricenumberPrice of the product for sales purpose.
purchaseDescriptionstringAny additional information about the product at the time of purchase.
purchaseUomstringUnit of measurement of product at the time of purchase.
reOrderPointnumberReorder point of the product across the locations.
salesDescriptionstringAny additional information about the product for the purpose of sales.
salesUomstringUnit of measurement of product for the purpose of sales.
weightnumberWeight of the product for the purpose of sales.
activebooleanCurrent status of the product.
costnumberCost incurred for the product at the time of purchase.
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system.

Any additional information about the product during stocking.

backOrderAllowedbooleanFlag that depicts if product can be back ordered or not.
assetAccountstringGeneral ledger account used to track inventory of the product.
cogsAccountstringGeneral ledger account used to maintain the cost incurred for the product.
expenseAccountstringGeneral ledger account used to maintain the over head expenses incurred for the product.
incomeAccountstringGeneral ledger account that records income or revenue against the product.
purchaseCurrencystringCurrency used at the time of purchasing the product.
typestringType of product i.e. inventory/non-inventory.
costingMethodstringCosting method applied to calculate the cost of the product.
dropShipbooleanDepicts if drop ship option is available for the product or not.
landedCoststringTotal cost involved in bringing the product to the warehouse.
replenishmentMethodstringReplenishment method being used to calculate demand of the product
totalCostnumberTotal cost involved in bringing the product to the warehouse along with cost of goods.
salesTaxCodestringTax code applied at the time of sales.
purchaseTaxCodestringTax code applied at the time of purchase.
safetyStockUnitsnumberSafety stock in units of the product across the locations.
safetyStockDaysnumberSafety stock in days of the product across the locations.
priceListarrayPrices of the product across different locations

Locations, the product is available at.

vendorobjectAn object of the vendor from which the products have been ordered.
departmentobjectAn object of department for which the products have been ordered.

An object of parent product.



Identifier of the product corresponding to the price list.

priceList[*].currencystringCurrency of the product in the price list.
priceList[*].quantitystringSale quantity of the product in the price list.
priceList[*].pricestringSale price of the product in the price list.



Identifier of the supplier/vendor.

vendor.namestringName of the supplier/vendor.



Identifier of the department.

department.namestringName of the department.



Identifier of the parent product.

parent.namestringName of the parent product.

customers (Order to Cash)

A customer is an individual or a business that purchases goods or services.

Data Model

externalIdstringFriendly reference of the customer/reference of customer from an external system.
idstringIdentifier for the customer, unique to the company in the accounting platform.
namestringName of the customer as recorded in the accounting system, typically the company name.
activebooleanCurrent state of the customer.
currencystringCurrency the customer transacts in.
creditLimitnumberCurrent credit limit of the customer.
descriptionstringAny additional information about the customer.
webSitestringWeb address of the customer.
totalOutstandingAmountnumberAmount paid from the customer across all transactions.
totalPaidAmountnumberAmount paid by the customer across all transactions.
accountstringThe account linked to the customer in the accounting system.
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system.
endDatedateDate the customer stopped transacting as per accounting system.
languagestringLanguage the customer transacts in
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
priceLevelstringPrices of products valid for this customer.
taxCodestringDefault tax code to be applied to the customer.

Tax number/registration number of the customer.

corporateAddressobjectAn object of corporate addresses.
contactobjectAn object of contact.
billingAddressobjectAn object of billing addresses.
shippingAddressobjectAn object of shipping addresses.
paymentTermsobjectAn object of payment terms applicable to the customer.
parentobjectAn object of the parent company of the customer. Recorded only if the parent company is also a customer.
subsidiaryobjectAn object of the subsidiary company of the customer. Recorded only if the subsidiary company is also a customer.


corporateAddress.citystringCity of customer's corporate address.
corporateAddress.countrystringCountry of customer's corporate address.
corporateAddress.idstringIdentifier of customer's corporate address in accounting system.
corporateAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of customer's corporate address.
corporateAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of customer's corporate address.
corporateAddress.phonestringPhone number of customer's corporate address.
corporateAddress.postalCodestringPostal Code of customer's corporate address.
corporateAddress.provincestringProvince of customer's corporate address.


contact.address.citystringCity of primary contact at customer.
contact.address.countrystringCountry of primary contact at customer.
contact.address.line1stringAddress line 1 of primary contact at customer.
contact.address.line2stringAddress line 2 of primary contact at customer.
contact.address.postalCodestringPostal code of primary contact at customer.
contact.address.provincestringProvince/state of primary contact at customer.
contact.emailstringEmail Id of primary contact at customer.
contact.faxstringFax of primary contact at customer.
contact.middleNamestringMiddle name of primary contact at customer.
contact.mobilestringMobile number of primary contact at customer.
contact.salutationstringSalutation of primary contact at customer.
contact.firstNamestringFirst name of primary contact at customer.
contact.lastNamestringLast name of primary contact at customer.
contact.phonestringPhone number of primary contact at customer.


billingAddress.citystringCity of customer's billing address Id of contact at customer's billing address name of contact at customer's billing address name of contact at customer's billing address name of contact at customer's billing address
billingAddress.countrystringCountry of customer's billing address
billingAddress.idstringIdentifier of customer's billing address in accounting system.
billingAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of customer's billing address
billingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of customer's billing address
billingAddress.postalCodestringPostal Code of customer's billing address
billingAddress.provincestringProvince/state of customer's billing address
billingAddress.phonestringPhone number of customer's billing address


shipping.address.citystringCity of customer's shipping address. id of contact at customer's shipping address. name of contact at customer's shipping address. name of contact at customer's shipping address. name of contact at customer's shipping addres
shipping.address.countrystringCountry of customer's shipping address.
shipping.address.idstringIdentifier of customer's shipping address in accounting system.
shipping.address.line1stringAddress line 1 of customer's shipping address.
shipping.address.line2stringAddress line 2 of customer's shipping address.
shipping.address.provincestringCity of customer's shipping address.
shipping.address.phonestringCity of customer's shipping address.
shipping.address.postalCodestringCity of customer's shipping address.


paymentTerms.idstringIdentifier of payment terms.
paymentTerms.namestringName of payment terms.


parent.idstringIdentifier of the parent company of the customer.
parent.namestringName of the parent company of the customer.


subsidiary.idstringIdentifier of the subsidiary company of the customer.
subsidiary.namestringName of the subsidiary company of the customer.

sales-orders (Order to Cash)

A sales order is a commercial document and the first official offer received by a supplier/vendor indicating types and prices for products and/or services that have been agreed upon.

Data Models

amountnumberAmount of the sales order, inclusive of tax.
currencystringCurrency of the sales order.
idstringIdentifier for the sales order, unique to the sales order in the accounting platform.
linesarrayAn array of sales order line items.
billingAddressobjectAn object of billing address.
salesOrderDatedateDate of the sales order as recorded in the accounting system.
isTaxablebooleanThe indicator which shows whether the amount and items are taxable or not.
dueDatedateDate when the payment of the sales order is due
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
paymentTermsobjectAn object of Payment Terms applicable to the sales order.
customerobjectAn object of customer associated with the sales order.
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system.
departmentobjectAn object of department for which the products have.
externalIdstringFriendly reference of the sales order/reference of sales order from an external system
paymentarrayAn array of payment details pertaining to this sales order.
statusstringCurrent status of the sales order transaction
taxAmountnumberAmount of tax on the sales order.
taxCodestringDefault tax code applied to the sales order.
taxRatestringDefault tax rate applied to the sales order.
descriptionstringThe description / reference / notes associated with the sales order.
customerPONumberstringCustomer purchase order associated with this sales order.
totalOutstandingAmountnumberTotal amount that is outstanding on the sales order.
exchangeRatenumberRate between the currency of the invoice and the base currency.
subTotalnumberTotal amount of the invoice excluding any taxes.
shippingAddressobjectAn object of shipping address.
shippingCostnumberThe cost incurred for shipping in the sales order.
requestedShipDatedateThe requested date of delivery of the items in the sales order.


lines[*].department.idstringThe unique id of the department for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].department.namestringThe name of the department for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].descriptionstringThe description / notes pertaining to the item.
lines[*].location.idstringThe unique id of the location for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].location.namestringThe name of the department for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].priceLevel.pricenumberThe unit cost of the product.
lines[*].product.idstringThe unique identifier of the product in this line.
lines[*].productNamestringThe name of the product in this line.
lines[*].product.salesUomstringThe sales unit of measure of the product.
lines[*].orderQuantitynumberThe ordered quantity of the product in the sales order.
lines[*].subTotalnumberAmount of the line excluding taxes.
lines[*].taxAmountnumberThe total tax amount of the line.
lines[*].taxCodestringThe applied tax code pertaining to the line item.
lines[*].taxRatestringThe percentage of tax applied to the line item.
lines[*].totalAmountnumberThe total amount of the line including taxes.
lines[*].discountAmountnumberNumerical value of any discounts applied.
lines[*].idstringThe unique identifier of the line in the sales order.


billingAddress.citystringCity of customer's billing address id of contact at customer's billing address name of contact at customer's billing address name of contact at customer's billing address name of contact at customer's billing address of contact at customer's billing address
billingAddress.countrystringCountry of customer's billing address
billingAddress.idstringIdentifier of customer's billing address in accounting system
billingAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of customer's billing address
billingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of customer's billing address
billingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of customer's billing address
billingAddress.provincestringProvince/state of customer's billing address
billingAddress.phonestringPhone number of customer's billing address


shippingAddress.citystringCity of customer's shipping address. id of contact at customer's shipping address. name of contact at customer's shipping address. name of contact at customer's shipping address. name of contact at customer's shipping address. of contact at customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.countrystringCountry of customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.idstringIdentifier of customer's shipping address in accounting system.
shippingAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.provincestringProvince/state of customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.phonestringPhone number of customer's shipping address.


paymentTerms.idstringIdentifier of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.namestringName of the payment terms.


customer.idstringIdentifier of the customer.
customer.namestringName of the customer. customer contact person’s city. customer contact person’s country. customer contact person’s Address Line 1. customer contact person’s Address Line 2. customer contact person’s Postal Code. customer contact person’s Province. customer contact person’s email. customer contact person’s First name. customer contact person’s Last name. customer contact person’s Middle name. customer contact person’s mobile. customer contact person’s phone number.

ar-payments (Order to Cash)

Proceeds or payments received from customers who have purchased the goods or services on credit.

Data Model

externalIdstringFriendly reference of the payment/reference of payment from an external system.
idstringIdentifier for the payment, unique to the company in the accounting platform.
amountnumberAmount of the payment in the payment currency.
customerobjectAn object of customer associated with the payment.
paymentDatedateThe date of the payment made.
glPostDatedateThe date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger).
linesarrayAn array of payment lines.
currencystringCurrency of the payment.
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system.
bankAccountstringThe bank account in which the payment was made.
paymentReceiptDatedateThe date payment is received.
accountstringThe AR account in the accounting system  linked to this transaction.
descriptionstringAny additional information about the payment.
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
totalOutstandingAmountnumberTotal amount outstanding from the customer.
exchangeRatenumberRate to convert the total amount of the payment into the base currency.
referencestringA friendly payment reference.
checkNumberstringThe cheque number in case payment was made by cheque.
cardNumberstringThe card number in case payment was made by card.
cardNamestringThe card name in case payment was made by card.
cardExpirystringThe card expiry date in case payment was made by card.
paymentMethodstringThe mode of payment.


lines[*].invoiceNumberstringThe invoice number associated with the payment.
lines[*].typestringThe type of payment made.
lines[*].amountDueAgainstInvoicenumberThe total amount due against invoice.
lines[*].amountnumberThe amount paid against invoice in the payment.
lines[*].idstringThe unique identifier of this line in the sales order.
lines[*].discountAvailablenumberThe total applicable discount amount on this payment.
lines[*].discountDatedateThe date of the discount applied on the payment.


customer.idstringIdentifier of the customer.
customer.namestringName of the customer.

product-invoices (Order to Cash)

A commercial document related to a sales transaction issued to a customer, indicating the products, quantities and prices for products the seller/vendor provides along with the payment terms that have been agreed upon.

Data Model

amountnumberAmount of the invoice, inclusive of tax.
currencystringCurrency of the invoice.
idstringIdentifier for the invoice, unique to the company in the accounting platform.
linesarrayAn array of invoice line items.
billingAddressobjectAn object of billing address.
invoiceDatedateDate of the invoice as recorded in the accounting system.
dueDatedateDate the customer is due to be paid by.
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
paymentTermsobjectAn object of Payment Terms applied to the invoice
customerobjectAn object of customer associated with the invoice
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system
departmentobjectAn object of department for which the products have been ordered
externalIdstringFriendly reference of the invoice/reference of invoice from an external system
locationobjectAn object of location for which the products have been ordered.
paymentarrayAn array of payment details pertaining to the invoice
statusstringCurrent status of the invoice
taxAmountnumberTotal tax amount against the invoice
taxCodestringDefault tax code applied to the invoice.
taxNamestringThe tax description of the default tax to be applied to the invoice.
taxRatestringDefault tax rate applied to the invoice
descriptionstringThe description / reference / notes associated with the invoice
discountDatedateThe date of discount recorded in the accounting system for the invoice
parentDocumentNumberstringCustomer purchase order/Sales order associated with this invoice
totalAmountDuenumberTotal amount that is due on the invoice
totalAmountPaidnumberTotal amount that is paid on the invoice
discountAmountnumberNumerical value of discounts applied to the invoice
discountRatestringApplied discount rate on the invoice
glPostDatedateThe date of posting of the transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger)
accountstringThe General Ledger account in which the transaction is posted
languagestringDefault language code used by the customer
exchangeRatenumberRate between the currency of the invoice and the base currency.
subTotalnumberThe total amount of invoice excluding taxes
fullPaymentDatedateDate the invoice was marked as paid in the accounting system
shippingAddressobjectAn object of shipping address
shippingCostnumberThe cost incurred for shipping in the invoice
shippingMethodstringThe shipping method and terms used for the products in the invoice
shippingTaxAmountnumberThe tax amount applied for shipping of the invoice products
shippingTaxCodestringThe default tax code applied for the shipping of the invoice products
shippingTaxRatestringThe default tax rate applied for the shipping of the invoice products
revRecEndDatedateRevenue recognition end date
revRecStartDatedateRevenue recognition start date
handlingCostnumberThe inventory cost incurred for handling the products of the invoice
handlingTaxCodestringThe default tax code applied for the inventory handling of the invoice products
handlingTaxRatestringThe default tax rate applied for the inventory handling of the invoice products


lines[*].department.idstringThe unique id of the department for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].department.namestringThe name of the department for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].descriptionstringThe description / notes pertaining to the product
lines[*].location.idstringThe unique id of the location for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].location.namestringThe name of the location for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].product.costnumberThe unit cost of the product
lines[*].product.idstringThe unique identifier of the product in this line
lines[*].product.namestringThe name of the product in this line
lines[*].product.salesUomstringThe sales unit of measure of the product
lines[*].quantitynumberNumber of units of product provided
lines[*].subTotalnumberThe total amount of the line excluding taxes
lines[*].taxAmountnumberAmount of tax for the line
lines[*].taxCodestringThe applicable tax code pertaining to the line
lines[*].taxNamestringThe applicable tax description pertaining to the line
lines[*].accountstringThe applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded
lines[*].taxRatestringThe percentage of tax applicable to the line item
lines[*].totalAmountnumberThe total amount of the line including taxes
lines[*].discountRatestringThe total discount rate applied for the line
lines[*].discountAmountnumberNumerical value of any discounts applied for the line
lines[*].idstringThe unique identifier of the line in the invoice
lines[*].isTaxablebooleanIndicator whether the line is taxable or not


billingAddress.citystringCity of customer's billing address id of contact at customer's billing address name of contact at customer's billing address name of contact at customer's billing address name of contact at customer's billing address / Title of contact at customer's billing
billingAddress.countrystringCountry of customer's billing address
billingAddress.idstringIdentifier of customer's billing address in accounting system
billingAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of customer's billing address
billingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of customer's billing address
billingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of customer's billing address
billingAddress.provincestringProvince of customer's billing address
billingAddress.phonestringPhone number of customer's billing address


shippingAddress.citystringCity of customer's shipping address. id of contact at customer's shipping address. name of contact at customer's shipping address. name of contact at customer's shipping address. name of contact at customer's shipping address. / Title of contact at customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.countrystringCountry of customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.idstringIdentifier of customer's shipping address in accounting system.
shippingAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of customer's shipping address.
shippiingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.provincestringProvince of customer's shipping address.
shippingAddress.phonestringPhone number of customer's shipping address.


paymentTerms.idstringIdentifier of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.namestringName of the payment terms.


customer.idstringIdentifier of the customer
customer.namestringName of the customer customer contact person’s city customer contact person’s country customer contact person’s Address Line 1 customer contact person’s Address Line 2 customer contact person’s Postal Code customer contact person’s Province customer contact person’s email customer contact person’s first name customer contact person’s last name customer contact person’s middle name customer contact person’s mobile customer contact person’s phone number


department.idstringIdentifier of the department
department.namestringName of the department


location.idstringIdentifier of the location
location.namestringName of the location


payment[*].idstringIdentifier of the payment.
payment[*].lines[*].amountnumberAmount paid(in the currency of the invoice) for this particular invoice.
payment[*].lines[*].idstringUnique payment line identifier.
payment[*].currencystringCurrency of the payment amount.
payment[*].paymentDatedateThe date of the payment made.
payment[*].exchangeRatenumberThe exchange rate used by the accounting for the payment amount to convert into local currency.

expense-invoices (Order to Cash)

A commercial document related to a sales transaction issued to a customer, indicating the services and prices for the services provided to the customer along with the payment terms that have been agreed upon.

Data Models

amountnumberAmount of the invoice, inclusive of tax.
currencystringCurrency of the invoice.
idstringIdentifier for the invoice, unique to the company in the accounting platform.
linesarrayAn array of invoice line items.
billingAddressobjectAn object of billing address.
invoiceDatedateDate of the invoice as recorded in the accounting system.
dueDatedateDate the customer is due to be paid by.
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
paymentTermsobjectAn object of Payment Terms applied to the invoice.
customerobjectAn object of customer associated with the invoice.
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system.
departmentobjectAn object of department for which the services have been ordered.
externalIdstringFriendly reference of the invoice/reference of invoice from an external system.
locationobjectAn object of location for which the services have been ordered.
paymentarrayAn array of payment details pertaining to the invoice.
statusstringCurrent status of the invoice.
taxAmountnumberTotal tax amount against the invoice.
taxCodestringDefault tax code applied to the invoice.
taxNamestringThe tax description of the default tax to be applied to the invoice.
taxRatestringDefault tax rate applied to the invoice.
descriptionstringThe description/reference/notes associated with the invoice.
discountDatedateThe date of discount recorded in the accounting system for the invoice.
parentDocumentNumberstringCustomer purchase order/Sales order associated with this invoice.
totalAmountDuenumberTotal amount that is due on the invoice.
totalAmountPaidnumberTotal amount that is paid on the invoice.
discountAmountnumberNumerical value of discounts applied to the invoice.
discountRatestringApplied discount rate on the invoice.
glPostDatedateThe date of posting of the transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger).
accountstringThe General Ledger account in which the transaction is posted.
languagestringDefault language code used by the customer.
exchangeRatenumberRate between the currency of the invoice and the base currency.
subTotalnumberThe total amount of invoice excluding taxes.
fullPaymentDatedateDate the invoice was marked as paid in the accounting system.
revRecEndDatedateRevenue recognition end date.
revRecStartDatedateRevenue recognition start date.


lines[*].department.idstringThe unique id of the department for which the services has been ordered.
lines[*].department.namestringThe name of the department for which the services has been ordered.
lines[*].descriptionstringThe description/notes pertaining to the services.
lines[*].location.idstringThe unique id of the location for which the services has been ordered.
lines[*].location.namestringThe name of the location for which the services has been ordered.
lines[*].subTotalnumberThe total amount of the line excluding taxes.
lines[*].taxAmountnumberAmount of tax for the line.
lines[*].taxCodestringThe applicable tax code pertaining to the line.
lines[*].taxNamestringThe applicable tax description pertaining to the line.
lines[*].taxRatestringThe percentage of tax applicable to the line item.
lines[*].accountstringThe applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded.
lines[*].totalAmountnumberThe total amount of the line including taxes.
lines[*].discountRatestringThe total discount rate applied for the line.
lines[*].discountAmountnumberNumerical value of any discounts applied for the line.
lines[*].idstringThe unique identifier of the line in the invoice.
lines[*].isTaxablebooleanIndicator whether the line is taxable or not.


billingAddress.citystringCity of customer's billing address. of contact at customer's billing address. name of contact at customer's billing address. name of contact at customer's billing address. name of contact at customer's billing address. of contact at customer's billing address.
billingAddress.countrystringCountry of customer's billing address.
billingAddress.idstringIdentifier of customer's billing address in accounting system.
billingAddress.line1stringAddress line1 of customer's billing address.
billingAddress.line2stringAddress line2 of customer's billing address.
billingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of customer's billing address.
billingAddress.provincestringProvince of customer's billing address.
billingAddress.phonestringPhone number of customer's billing address.


Identifier of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.namestringName of the payment terms.



Identifier of the customer.

customer.namestringName of the customer. customer contact person’s city. customer contact person’s country. customer contact person’s address line 1. customer contact person’s address line 2. customer contact person’s postal code. customer contact person’s province. customer contact person’s email. customer contact person’s first name. customer contact person’s last name. customer contact person’s middle name. customer contact person’s mobile. customer contact person’s phone.


department.idstringIdentifier of the department
department.namestringName of the department


location.idstringIdentifier of the location
location.namestringName of the location


payment[*].idstringIdentifier of the payment.
payment[*].lines[*].amountnumberAmount paid(in the currency of the invoice) for this particular invoice.
payment[*].lines[*].idstringUnique payment line identifier.
payment[*].currencystringCurrency of the payment amount.
payment[*].paymentDatedateThe date of the payment made.
payment[*].exchangeRate[*]numberThe exchange rate used by the accounting for the payment amount to convert into local currency.

vendors (Procure to Pay)

A vendor is an individual or a business that provides goods or services.

Data Model

externalIdstringFriendly reference of the customer/reference of customer from an external system.
idstringIdentifier for the customer, unique to the company in the accounting platform.
namestringName of the customer as recorded in the accounting system, typically the company name.
activebooleanCurrent state of the customer.
currencystringCurrency in which transactions are made with the vendor.
creditLimitnumberCurrent credit limit available from the vendor.
descriptionstringAny additional information about the vendor.
webSitestringWeb address of the vendor.
totalOutstandingAmountnumberAmount paid to the vendor across all transactions.
accountstringThe account linked to the vendor in the accounting system.
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system.
languagestringLanguage the customer transacts in.
bankAccountNumberstringBank Account Number of the vendor to which payments are made.
typestringType of the vendor i.e. Primary, alternate etc.
corporateAddressobjectAn object of corporate addresses
contactobjectAn object of contact.
billingAddressobjectAn object of billing addresses.
shippingAddressobjectAn object of shipping addresses.
paymentTermsobjectAn object of payment terms applicable to the customer.
parentobjectAn object of the parent company of the vendor. Recorded only if the parent company is also a vendor..
subsidiaryobjectAn object of the subsidiary company of the vendor. Recorded only if the subsidiary company is also a vendor.


corporateAddress.citystringCity of vendor's corporate address.
corporateAddress.countrystringCountry of vendor's corporate address.
corporateAddress.idstringIdentifier of vendor's corporate address in accounting system.
corporateAddress.line1stringAddress line1 of vendor's corporate address.
corporateAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of vendor's corporate address.
corporateAddress.phonestringPhone number of vendor's corporate address.
corporateAddress.postalCodestringPostal Code of vendor's corporate address.
corporateAddress.provincestringProvince of vendor's corporate address


contact.address.citystringCity of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.address.countrystringCountry of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.address.line1stringAddress line 1 of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.address.line2stringAddress line 2 of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.address.postalCodestringPostal Code of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.address.provincestringProvince/state of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.emailstringEmail id of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.faxstringFax of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.middleNamestringMiddle name of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.mobilenumberMobile number of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.salutationstringSalutation of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.firstNamestringFirst name of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.lastNamestringLast name of the primary contact at vendor.
contact.phonestringPhone number of the primary contact at vendor.


billingAddress.citystringCity of vendor's billing address of contact at vendor's billing address name of contact at vendor's billing address name of contact at vendor's billing address name of contact at vendor's billing address
billingAddress.countrystringCountry of vendor's billing address
billingAddress.idstringIdentifier of vendor's billing address in accounting system
billingAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of vendor's billing address
billingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of vendor's billing address
billingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of vendor's billing address
billingAddress.provincestringProvince of vendor's billing address
billingAddress.phonestringPhone number of vendor's billing address


shipping.address.citystringCity of vendor's shipping address. Id of contact at vendor's shipping address. name of contact at vendor's shipping address. name of contact at vendor's shipping address. name of contact at vendor's shipping address.
shipping.address.countrystringCountry of vendor's shipping address.
shipping.address.idstringIdentifier of vendor's shipping address in accounting system.
shipping.address.line1stringAddress line 1 of vendor's shipping address.
shipping.address.line2stringAddress line 2 of vendor's shipping address.
shipping.address.provincestringProvince/state of vendor's shipping address.
shipping.address.phonestringPhone of vendor's shipping address.
shipping.address.postalCodestringPostal code of vendor's shipping address.


parent.idstringIdentifier of the parent company of the vendor.
parent.namestringName of the parent company of the vendor.


subsidiary.idstringIdentifier of the subsidiary company of the vendor.
subsidiary.namestringName of the subsidiary company of the vendor.

product-bills (Procure to Pay)

A commercial document related to a sales transaction issued by a seller/vendor, indicating the products, quantities and costs for the services that the seller/vendor provides along with the payment terms that have been agreed upon.

Data Models

amountnumberAmount of the bill including tax.
currencystringCurrency of the bill
idstringIdentifier for the bill, unique to the bill in the accounting platform.
linesarrayAn array of bill lines.
billingAddressobjectAn object of billing address
billDatedateDate of the bill as recorded in the accounting platform.
dueDatedateDate the supplier is due to be paid.
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
paymentTermsobjectAn object of Payment Terms applied to the bill.
vendorobjectAn object of vendor associated with the bill.
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system.
departmentobjectAn object of department for which the products have been ordered.
externalIdstringFriendly reference of the bill/reference of bill (invoice) from an external system.
lastPaidDatedateThe date of the last payment pertaining to this bill.
locationobjectAn object of location for which the products have been ordered.
paymentarrayAn array of payment details pertaining to this bill.
statusstringCurrent status of this bill.
taxAmountnumberTotal tax amount on the bill.
creditLimitnumberCurrent credit limit available from the vendor.
descriptionstringThe description / reference / notes associated with the bill.
discountDatedateThe date of discount recorded in the accounting system for the bill.
isOnHoldbooleanIndicator of whether the bill is on hold or active.
purchase-orderobjectAn object of purchase order associated with this bill.
totalAmountDuenumberTotal amount that is due against the bill.
totalAmountPaidnumberTotal amount that is paid against the bill.
discountAmountnumberTotal discount amount applied on the bill.
glPostDatedateThe date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger).
accountstringThe General Ledger account in which this transaction is posted.
landedCostnumberThe bill of lading cost associated with this bill.
exchangeRatenumberRate between the currency of the bill and the base currency.
subTotalnumberThe total amount of bill excluding any taxes.


lines[*].department.idstringThe unique id of the department for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].department.namestringThe name of the department for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].descriptionstringThe description / notes pertaining to the product.
lines[*].location.idstringThe unique id of the location for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].location.namestringThe name of the location for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].product.costnumberThe unit cost of the product.
lines[*].product.idstringThe unique identifier of the product to which the line is linked.
lines[*].product.namestringThe name of the product to which the line is linked.
lines[*].product.purchaseUomstringThe purchasing unit of measurement of the product to which the line is linked.
lines[*].quantitynumberThe quantity of the product received.
lines[*].subTotalnumberAmount of the line, inclusive of discounts but exclusive of tax.
lines[*].taxAmountnumberAmount of tax for the line.
lines[*].taxCodestringThe applicable tax code pertaining to the line.
lines[*].accountstringThe applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded.
lines[*].taxRatestringThe tax rate to which the line is linked.
lines[*].totalAmountnumberThe total amount of the line including taxes.
lines[*].customer.idstringThe unique identifier of the customer who has ordered the item.
lines[*].customer.namestringThe name of the customer who has ordered the item.
lines[*].discountAmountnumberThe total applicable discount on this line item.
lines[*].idstringThe unique identifier of the line in the bill.
lines[*].billableStatusstringThe current state of the line.


billingAddress.citystringCity of the vendor's billing address. of contact at vendor’s billing address. name of contact at vendor’s billing address. name of contact at vendor’s billing address. name of contact at vendor’s billing address. of contact at vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.countrystringCountry of vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.idstringIdentifier of vendor’s billing address in accounting system.
billingAddress.line1stringAddress line 2 of vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2  of vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.provincestringProvince/state of vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.phonestringPhone of vendor’s billing address.


paymentTerms.idstringIdentifier of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.namestringName of the payment terms.


vendor.idstringIdentifier of the supplier / vendor
vendor.namestringName of the supplier / vendor


department.idstringIdentifier of the department.
department.namestringName of the department.


location.idstringIdentifier of the location.
location.namestringName of the location.


payment[*].idstringIdentifier for this payment.
payment[*].amountstringAmount paid for this payment.


purchase-order.idstringThe unique identifier of purchase order.

product-purchase-orders(Procure to Pay)

A purchase order is a commercial document and the first official offer issued by a customer indicating types, quantities, and prices for products that have been agreed upon.

Data Models

amountnumberAmount of the purchase order, inclusive of tax.
currencystringCurrency of the purchase order.
idstringIdentifier for the purchase order, unique to the purchase order in the accounting platform.
linesarrayAn array of purchase order lines
billingAddressobjectAn object of billing address
purchaseOrderDatedateDate of the invoice as recorded in the accounting system.
dueDatedateDate the purchase order is due to be paid by.
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
paymentTermsobjectAn object of Payment Terms applicable to the purchase order
vendorobjectAn object of vendor associated with the purchase order
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system
billarrayAn array of bills associated with this purchase order
externalIdstringFriendly reference of the purchase order/reference of purchase order from an external system
statusstringCurrent status of this purchase order
taxAmountnumberAmount of tax on the purchase order.
taxCodestringDefault tax code applied to the purchase order.
descriptionstringThe description / reference / notes associated with the purchase order
totalAmountDuenumberTotal amount that is due on the purchase order
totalAmountPaidnumberTotal amount that is paid on that purchase order
glPostDatedateThe date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger)
accountstringThe General Ledger account in which this transaction is posted
exchangeRatenumberRate between the currency of the purchase order and the base currency
subTotalnumberTotal amount of the purchase order excluding any taxes.
shippingAddressobjectAn object of shipping address
shippingMethodstringThe shipping method and terms used for the products in the purchase order
creditLimitnumberCurrent credit limit available from the vendor.
shipDatedateThe expected delivery date of the products in purchase order


lines[*].department.idstringThe unique id of the department for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].department.namestringThe name of the department for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].descriptionstringThe description / notes pertaining to the item.
lines[*].location.idstringThe unique id of the location for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].location.namestringThe name of the location for which the product has been ordered.
lines[*].product.costnumberThe unit cost of the product in the line.
lines[*].product.idstringThe unique identifier of the product in the line.
lines[*].product.namestringThe name of the product in the line.
lines[*].product.purchaseUomstringThe purchase unit of measure of the product.
lines[*].orderedQuantitynumberThe ordered quantity of the product in the purchase order.
lines[*].subTotalnumberAmount of the line, inclusive of discounts but exclusive of tax.
lines[*].taxAmountnumberThe total tax amount of the line.
lines[*].taxCodestringThe applied tax code pertaining to the line.
lines[*].taxNamestringThe applied tax description pertaining to the line.
lines[*].accountstringThe applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded.
lines[*].taxRatestringThe percentage of tax applied to the line.
lines[*].totalAmountnumberThe total amount of the line including taxes.
lines[*].customer.idstringThe unique identifier of the customer for whom the product is being procured.
lines[*].customer.namestringThe name of the customer for whom the product is being procured.
lines[*].discountAmountnumberNumerical value of any discounts applied.
lines[*].discountRatestringThe total discount rate applied on this line.
lines[*].idstringThe unique identifier of the line in the purchase order.
lines[*].isTaxablebooleanIndicator whether the line is taxable or not.


billingAddress.citystringCity of supplier's billing address. of contact at supplier's billing address. name of contact at supplier's billing address. name of contact at supplier's billing address. name of contact at supplier's billing address. of contact at supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.countrystringCountry of supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.idstringIdentifier of supplier's billing address in accounting system.
billingAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 code of supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.provincestringProvince of supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.phonestringPhone number of supplier's billing address.


shippingAddress.citystringCity of supplier's shipping address. of contact at supplier's shipping address. name of contact at supplier's shipping address. name of contact at supplier's shipping address. name of contact at supplier's shipping address. of contact at supplier's shipping address.
shippingAddress.countrystringCountry of supplier's shipping address.
shippingAddress.idstringIdentifier of supplier's shipping address in accounting system.
shippingAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of supplier's shipping address.
shippingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of supplier's shipping address.
shippingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of supplier's shipping address.
shippingAddress.provincestringProvince of supplier's shipping address.

Phone number of supplier's shipping address.


paymentTerms.idstringIdentifier of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.namestringName of the payment terms.


vendor.idstringIdentifier of the vendor.
vendor.namestringName of the vendor. vendor contact person’s city. vendor contact person’s country. vendor contact person’s Address Line 1. vendor contact person’s Address Line 2. vendor contact person’s postal code. vendor contact person’s province. vendor contact person’s email. vendor contact person’s first name. vendor contact person’s last name. vendor contact person’s middle name. vendor contact person’s mobile. vendor contact person’s phone number.


bill[*].idstringUnique Identifier of the bill

expense-purchase-orders (Procure to Pay)

A purchase order is a commercial document and the first official offer issued by a customer indicating types and prices for services that have been agreed upon.

Data Models

amountnumberAmount of the purchase order, inclusive of tax.
currencystringCurrency of the purchase order.
idstringIdentifier for the purchase order, unique to the purchase order in the accounting platform.
linesarrayAn array of purchase order lines
billingAddressobjectAn object of billing address
purchaseOrderDatedateDate of the invoice as recorded in the accounting system.
dueDatedateDate the purchase order is due to be paid by.
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
paymentTermsobjectAn object of Payment Terms applicable to the purchase order
vendorobjectAn object of vendor associated with the purchase order
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system.
billarrayAn array of bills associated with this purchase order
externalIdstringFriendly reference of the purchase order/reference of purchase order from an external system
statusstringCurrent status of this purchase order
taxAmountnumberAmount of tax on the purchase order.
taxCodestringDefault tax code applied to the purchase order.
descriptionstringThe description/reference/notes associated with the purchase order
totalAmountDuenumberTotal amount that is due on the purchase order
totalAmountPaidnumberTotal amount that is paid on that purchase order
glPostDatedateThe date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger)
accountstringThe General Ledger account in which this transaction is posted
exchangeRatenumberRate between the currency of the purchase order and the base currency
subTotalnumberTotal amount of the purchase order excluding any taxes.
creditLimitnumberCurrent credit limit available from the vendor.


lines[*].department.idstringThe unique id of the department for which the service has been ordered.
lines[*].department.namestringThe name of the department for which the service has been ordered.
lines[*].descriptionstringThe description/notes pertaining to the services.
lines[*].location.idstringThe unique id of the location for which the services has been ordered.
lines[*].location.namestringThe name of the location for which the service has been ordered.
lines[*].customer.idstringThe unique identifier of the customer for whom the service is being procured.
lines[*].customer.namestringThe name of the customer for whom the service is being procured.
lines[*].subTotalnumberAmount of the line, inclusive of discounts but exclusive of tax.
lines[*].taxAmountnumberThe total tax amount of the line.
lines[*].taxCodestringThe applied tax code pertaining to the line.
lines[*].taxNamestringThe applied tax description pertaining to the line.
lines[*].accountstringThe applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded.
lines[*].taxRatestringThe percentage of tax applied to the line.
lines[*].totalAmountnumberThe total amount of the line including taxes.
lines[*].discountAmountnumberNumerical value of any discounts applied.
lines[*].discountRatestringThe total discount rate applied on this line.
lines[*].idstringThe unique identifier of the line in the purchase order.
lines[*].isTaxablebooleanIndicator whether the line is taxable or not.


billingAddress.citystringCity of supplier's billing address. of contact at supplier's billing address. name of contact at supplier's billing address. name of contact at supplier's billing address. name of contact at supplier's billing address. of contact at supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.countrystringCountry of supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.idstringIdentifier of supplier's billing address in accounting system.
billingAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.provincestringProvince of supplier's billing address.
billingAddress.phonestringPhone number of supplier's billing address.


paymentTerms.idstringIdentifier of the payment terms.
paymentTerms.namestringName of the payment terms.


vendor.idstringIdentifier of the vendor.
vendor.namestringName of the vendor. vendor contact person’s city. vendor contact person’s country. vendor contact person’s address line 1. vendor contact person’s address line 2. vendor contact person’s postal code. vendor contact person’s province. vendor contact person’s email.
The vendor contact person’s first name. vendor contact person’s last name. vendor contact person’s middle name. vendor contact person’s mobile. vendor contact person’s phone number.


bill[*].idstringUnique Identifier of the bill.

expense-bills (Procure to Pay)

A commercial document related to a sales transaction issued by a seller/vendor, indicating the services and costs for the services that the seller/vendor provides along with the payment terms that have been agreed upon.

Data Models

amountnumberAmount of the bill including tax.
currencystringCurrency of the bill.
idstringIdentifier for the bill, unique to the bill in the accounting platform.
linesarrayAn array of bill lines.
billingAddressobjectAn object of billing address.
billDatedateDate of the bill as recorded in the accounting platform.
dueDatedateDate the supplier is due to be paid.
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
paymentTermsobjectAn object of Payment Terms applied to the bill.
vendorobjectAn object of vendor associated with the bill.
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system.
departmentobjectAn object of department for which the services have been ordered.
externalIdstringFriendly reference of the bill/reference of bill (invoice) from an external system.
lastPaidDatedateThe date of the last payment pertaining to this bill.
locationobjectAn object of location for which the services have been ordered.
paymentarrayAn array of payment details pertaining to this bill.
statusstringCurrent status of this bill.
taxAmountnumberTotal tax amount on the bill.
creditLimitnumberCurrent credit limit available from the vendor.
descriptionstringThe description/reference/notes associated with the bill.
discountDatedateThe date of discount recorded in the accounting system for the bill.
isOnHoldbooleanIndicator of whether the bill is on hold or active.
purchase-orderobjectAn object of purchase order associated with this bill.
totalAmountDuenumberTotal amount that is due against the bill.
totalAmountPaidnumberTotal amount that is paid against the bill.
discountAmountnumberTotal discount amount applied on the bill.
glPostDatedateThe date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger).
accountstringThe General Ledger account in which this transaction is posted.
landedCostnumberThe bill of lading cost associated with this bill.
exchangeRatenumberRate between the currency of the bill and the base currency.
subTotalnumberThe total amount of bill excluding any taxes.


lines[*].department.idstringThe unique id of the department for which the service has been ordered.
lines[*].department.namestringThe name of the department for which the services has been ordered.
lines[*].descriptionstringThe description / notes pertaining to the service
lines[*].location.idstringThe unique id of the location for which the service has been ordered
lines[*].location.namestringThe name of the location for which the service has been ordered.
lines[*].subTotalnumberAmount of the line, inclusive of discounts but exclusive of tax.
lines[*].taxAmountnumberAmount of tax for the line
lines[*].taxCodestringThe applicable tax code pertaining to the line
lines[*].accountstringThe applicable General ledger account where the line is recorded
lines[*].taxRatestringThe tax rate to which the line is linked.
lines[*].totalAmountnumberThe total amount of the line including taxes
lines[*].customer.idstringThe unique identifier of the customer who has ordered the service
lines[*].customer.namestringThe name of the customer who has ordered the service
lines[*].discountAmountnumberThe total applicable discount on this line
lines[*].idstringThe unique identifier of the line in the bill
lines[*].billableStatusstringThe current state of the line


billingAddress.citystringCity of vendor’s billing address. Id name of contact at vendor’s billing address. name of contact at vendor’s billing address. name of contact at vendor’s billing address. name of contact at vendor’s billing address. of contact at vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.countrystringCountry of vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.idstringIdentifier of vendor’s billing address in accounting system.
billingAddress.line1stringAddress line 1 of vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.line2stringAddress line 2 of vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.postalCodestringPostal code of vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.provincestringProvince/state of vendor’s billing address.
billingAddress.phonestringPhone number of vendor’s billing address.


paymentTerms.idstringIdentifier of the payment terms
paymentTerms.namestringName of the payment terms


vendor.idstringIdentifier of the supplier/vendor
vendor.namestringName of the supplier/vendor


department.idstringIdentifier of the department
department.namestringName of the department


location.idstringIdentifier of the location
location.namestringName of the location


payment[*].idstringIdentifier of this payment
payment[*].amountnumberAmount paid for this payment


purchaseOrder.idstringThe unique identifier of purchase order

ap-payments (Procure to Pay)

Proceeds or payments paid to suppliers/vendors for the goods or services purchased on credit.

Data Model

externalIdstringFriendly reference of the payment/reference of payment from an external system.
idstringIdentifier for the payment, unique to the company in the accounting platform.
amountnumberAmount of the payment in the payment currency.
vendorobjectAn object of vendor associated with the payment.
paymentDatedateThe date of the payment made.
glPostDatedateThe date of posting of this transaction in the accounting system (General Ledger).
exchangeRatenumberThe exchange rate used in the accounting system in order to convert the amount into the home currency.
linesarrayAn array of payment lines.
currencystringCurrency used in the payment.
descriptionstringAny additional information about the payment.
totalOutstandingAmountnumberTotal amount to be paid to the vendor.
checkBankAccountstringThe bank account in which the payment by cheque was made.
createdDatedateDate the record was created in the accounting system.
accountstringThe AP account in the accounting system linked to this transaction.
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
totalInvoicesSelectednumberTotal invoices(bills) associated with this payment.
checkNumberstringThe cheque number in case payment was made by cheque.
ccBankAccountstringThe bank account in which the payment by card was made.
paymentMethodstringThe mode of payment.


lines[*].billNumberstringThe bill number associated with the payment.
lines[*].bill[*].idstringThe unique bill id associated with the payment.
lines[*].typestringThe type of payment made.
lines[*].amountDueAgainstInvoicenumberThe total amount due against bill.
lines[*].amountnumberThe total amount paid against bill in the payment.
lines[*].idstringThe unique identifier of this line in the payment.
lines[*].discountAvailablenumberThe total applicable discount amount on this payment.
lines[*].discountDatedateThe date of the discount applied on the payment.


vendor.idstringIdentifier of the customer.
vendor.namestringName of the customer.