Production Changelog - December 2021


Non-catalog extended elements can now be exported using the Manage environments feature.

An issue affecting elements where enhancing a resource was creating a duplicate resource has been resolved.

A new API parameter providerErrorCode has been added to the following elements:

  • Office 365
  • Google suite
  • SFDC
  • SugarCRM
  • MSFT Dynamics CRM
  • Zoho
  • HubSpot CRM
  • Private elements


All Netsuite elements

The ignoreReadOnlyFields and warningAsError parameters were added to the catalog elements. The first parameter ignores the read-only fields if passed in a POST payload and the second parameter returns warnings as error message and prevents API execution when set to true.

An authentication issue with the Netsuite Restlets element has been resolved.

An issue related to the /ping resource on Netsuite restlets element returning a 400 error has been resolved.

Big Query

A new custom authentication mechanism was added to the Big Query element enabling authentication using the service account key file.


Information on the overview page has been updated to reflect the latest details.


You can now post a JSON payload in a file body.

Google Drive

Introduced a new parameter which enables a file to be posted on shared drives. Prior to this, files could only be posted on the My Drive section.

Hubspot CRM and Marketing

Made changes on the element scopes field to accommodate the granular scopes of contacts such as “” etc.


A new parameter called exclude has been introduced to the /groups resource in the Jira element so that unwanted data to be exluded from the response. This is based on certain criteria specified by the user in the query.

The description of the where clause has been updated to reflect all supported operators.

Service Now

Made configuration changes in the element to improve authentication time.


An issue causing the element instance provisioning flow to fail failing when events are enabled has been resolved.

Zoho CRM

An issue related to bulk causing the job to be abruptly aborted has been resolved.


Assue with the formula executions getting stuck intermittently has been resolved.