How To Manually Trigger An Events-Based Formula

Events-based formulas are great for processing workflows based on notifications from a Poller or Webhook, but during development you may want to test the formula manually.

To do this test, you can use the minimum values required to trigger an Event-triggered formula with a payload including the 'events' object and your element instance ID. For example:

 "events": [{
 "objectType": "contacts",
 "objectId": "876177",
 "date": "2019-02-10T19:07:00Z",
 "eventType": "CREATED",
 "elementKey": "hubspot"
 "instance_id": 55555


You can use this payload to either POST /formulas/instances/{id}/executions or when testing directly in the UI, simply input this payload as your event JSON to trigger a new formula execution. For more information on creating event triggers, see our Formula Triggers.