Webhook and Polling Events


Webhook Signature Verification
When building an element that supports webhook events, the provider may send a signature in the header of the webhook to verify that it is genuine. For example: The requests from MyApp (the application you are building an element for) to your syst...
Updating Poller Configurations
When creating or updating polling events, you will need to create a new Element instance for these changes to take effect. Changes made to your Element configuration are not inherited by already provisioned instances, and you will need to provision ...
Handling Webhooks When the Provider Does Not Send a Payload
When adding support for events in Element Builder, it is necessary to format the information the provider sends in the webhook into the format the Cloud Elements event framework is expecting. Here is an example of an event hook that can be used whe...
Getting the Event URL when Using an On-Provision Webhook
When creating webhook subscriptions during provisioning using the 'on-provision webhook' resource type, the event URL for webhooks can be accessed by interpolating {webhookCallbackUrl} within the body that is sent to the provider. Here is an exampl...
Available Fields Returned by a Poller
After you setup the Poller, the response body of the events contains information which is based on specific fields. These fields are common across all the elements in the catalog. The fields which are found in the payloads are listed here: { "id"...