Volusion API Provider Setup

Follow these steps to create a New Volusion Application for API integration.

  1. Via a web browser, go to: http://www.volusion.com/ and set up a store. Once set up, please login.
  2. From the Dashboard, click “Manage Store” Volusion Connected App step 1

  3. Login to your storefront. Volusion Connected App step 2

  4. From the dashboard, click “Inventory” and then click “Import/Export”. Volusion Connected App step 3

  5. Click “Volusion API” Volusion Connected App step 4

  6. Make sure you enable public XML for both “Featured Products” and “All Products”

  7. Click “Save" Volusion Connected App step 5

  8. Next, scroll down to the Generic orders section, under Accounts and click “Run"Volusion Connected App step 6

  9. Click “Run” Volusion Connected App step 7

  10. Copy the URL returned from the “Run” command. It will be needed to provision the Volusion element. Volusion Connected App step 8

An example of the URL copied in the previous step can be seen below:


The beginning portion of the URL is your store URL – http://otnqw.rakrt.servertrust.com. Then the login email – volusion@acmedata.com, and finally the EncryptedPassword – 64F3C0572DB54CB36951010E7200418E79AC678214B366FBD4E&EDI

Need Help finding your Encrypted Password?

  1. From the Dashboard, click "Manage Store" Volusion Connected App step 1

  2. Login to your storefront. Volusion Connected App step 2

  3. From the dashboard, click "Inventory" and then click "Import/Export". Volusion Connected App step 3

  4. Click "Volusion API" Volusion Connected App step 4

  5. Click "Get Help" then "Get help with this page" in the top right corner. Volusion Encrypted Password 1

  6. In the pop up window, click "Volusion API Integration Help". Volusion Encrypted Password 2

  7. In the new window, click on the lower box labeled "URL with Query String and General Information for Importing and Exporting". Volusion Encrypted Password 3

  8. In this box, you will find your encrypted password. Volusion Encrypted Password 4