Retrieve Custom Fields and Records

Because we normalize Netsuite's SOAP API to a RESTful API at Cloud Elements, you need to use specific API calls to get information about custom fields, custom records, custom fields associated with custom records, and custom list items. All references to custom fields and records require the internalId, which you can find using the following endpoints:

  • GET /custom-fields to retrieve custom fields.
  • GET /custom-record-types to retrieve custom records.
  • GET /custom-record-types/{typeId}/custom-record-fields to get the custom fields in custom records using the internalId from GET /custom-record-types.
  • GET /custom-record-types/{typeId}/custom-records to get information in the custom fields using the internalId from GET /custom-record-types.
  • GET /lookups/{fieldName} to retrieve custom list items.

See the Netsuite 2018 Human Capital API documentation for more information about these endpoints.