Production Release Notes - Version v2.208.2003

Release notes -- v2.208.2003 (since vhotfix-ENG-3947)


fix: allow CU /formulas with multiple triggers and add active to formula_trigger (ENG-1231)

  • Added the boolean active property to the formula trigger. This is to address numerous issues we were having with formulas that had multiple triggers. We will only allow a single active trigger for a formula. All new and existing formulas with single triggers will be activated. Existing formulas with multiple triggers will have their latest triggers activated. New formulas with multiple triggers will need to be corrected.

ENG-2588: Updated hubspot marketing models with x-searchables

ENG-3146 VDR V2 : (feat) : Enable soft delete feature in VDR V2 data model

  • Enable soft delete feature in VDR V2 data model

feat: add snap0 environment WIP

  • new environment, some reshuffling of IaC

fix: change notification data retention from 14 days to 7 days

feat(soba) - ENG-3140: Writes FIE and FIES to dynamodb via kepler for v1-formulas.

fix: fixes contract between kepler and soba

fix: ENG-4089: Adds logic to consider account id before returning element auth configs.

  • Changes to element auth configurations will only be displayed to appropriate account users.

fix(formula): ENG-4111: Adds step type v1 executions, Updates pending formula executions