Tips and FAQ


Hubspot Marketing - Why GET /timeline-event-types returns a 400 response
The "/timeline-event-types" resource has specific requirements from the Hubspot API that a Developer API Key (hapikey) be passed on requests and not an OAuth access token, while other resources require an OAuth token. To use this resource when authe...
Creating Hubspot Test Accounts
Why Use a HubSpot Test Account HubSpot can be confusing in part because trial accounts and test accounts look exactly the same. Trial accounts expire in 30 days and you have to manually upgrade to other levels to access certain features, many of wh...
HubSpot Marketing - Authentication
Authentication HubSpot supports two different authentication mechanisms: API Key (Basic) and OAuth 2.0.0. When you authenticate an instance and include the HubSpot Portal ID, you use the latest OAuth 2.0 authentication. If you intend to use the n...
HubSpot Marketing - Bulk
Bulk If you are trying to use Bulk upload to migrate data, you must provide the following metadata tag in the body, {"useBatchUpload": "true"}. If you do not provide this tag, it will upload one at a time. If one batch fails, then all will fail. ...
HubSpot Marketing - Webhooks
Webhooks If you want to configure webhooks, you must manually configure them in HubSpot. Visit for more information. ...