Expanding nested response values

In GET/business-partners/{id} and GET/customers/{id} requests, you can include an expand query parameter to get more information about certain nested objects. For example, when you make a GET/business-partners/{id}, the response includes the following object which you can expand to view more.

  "to_Customer": {
    "__deferred": {
      "uri": "'122')/to_Customer"

Expand a Single Object

To expand the nested object, add the expand query parameter: GET/business-partners/{id}/expand=to_Customer

The response includes the expanded object:

  "to_Customer": {
    "NielsenRegion": "",
    "CreationDate": "1529020800000",
    "IndustryCode2": "",
    "CreatedByUser": "RAMANA",
    "Customer": "57",
    "IndustryCode1": "",
    "to_CustomerCompany": {
      "__deferred": {
        "uri": "'57')/to_CustomerCompany"

Expand a Sub-object

Notice that the to_Customer includes the to_CustomerCompany that can also be expanded. You can expand sub-objects with a request like GET/business-partners/{id}/expand=to_Customer/to_CustomerCompany.

Expand Multiple Objects

Expand multiple objects by including a comma-separated list in the query parameter. Do not add spaces between commas. For example, GET/business-partners/{id}/expand=to_Customer,to_Supplier.