Etsy API Provider Setup

API Provider Setup

Follow these steps to set up a new Etsy Application for API integration. NOTE: Please make sure you are the owner of the store. Otherwise, not all API calls will work.

  1. Via a web browser go to: and sign in.

  2. Click on “Your Shop” Etsy Connected App step 2

  3. Make note of your store name. It is needed to provision an element Instance. Etsy Connected App step 3

  4. Click “Create a New App” Etsy Connected App step 4

  5. Fill out application name, description, and check who will be using the app. Etsy Connected App step 5

  6. Scroll down to the bottom and fill out the Captcha form, then click “Read Terms and Create App”. Etsy Connected App step 6

  7. Copy “KEYSTRING” and “SHARED SECRET” as they will be needed to provision an Etsy Instance. Etsy Connected App step 7