NetSuite has a variety of endpoints related to tax information, and the following guide clarifies how Cloud Elements maps the different tax endpoints.
Our tax-codes API is mapped to NetSuite's TaxType endpoint. Here's a sample payload from our tax-codes endpoint:
{ "internalId": "-4", "name": "County" }
Using the /{objectName} where objectName was SalesTaxItem, you will be able to retrieve data from NetSuite's TaxCode endpoint. Sample payload:
{ "internalId": "636", "itemId": "New York County", "isInactive": false, "rate": "1.50%", "includeChildren": true, "taxAgency": { "internalId": "1339", "name": "New York County" }, "taxAccount": { "internalId": "37", "name": "Sales Taxes Payable" }, "taxType": { "internalId": "-4", "name": "County" } }
Note that the "taxType" field is identical to the payload that you received from the CE standardized GET /tax-codes.
Finally, the /tax-rate endpoint is mapped to the taxGroup NetSuite resource, returning the following payload:
{ "itemId": "NY - Manhattan", "internalId": "638", "isDefault": false, "isInactive": false, "includeChildren": true, "rate": 8.5, "nexusCountry": { "internalId": "US" } }
NetSuite Limitation
When using the tax codes (SalesTaxItems) endpoint, there is no association returned for TaxGroups and no way to force the return of that association.