Different types of Quickbooks Online reports can be accessed through the GET /reports/{id} endpoint. Each report has their own supported filter fields that can be used to query. For example, if we're looking to retrieve the `AgedPayableDetail` report that has a start date of 2019-01-01, an end date of 2019-03-21, and a report date of 2019-02-21, we'll supply the filter along with the value in our `where` clause.
Curl Request example: curl -X GET \ 'https://api.cloud-elements.com/elements/api-v2/reports/AgedPayableDetail?where=startDueDate%3D%272014-01-01%27%20AND%20endDueDate%3D%272019-12-21%27%20AND%20reportDate%3D%272019-03-21%27' \ -H 'Authorization: User xxxxxxx, Organization xxxxxxxx, Element xxxxxxx' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \
Reports and Supported Filters
Name of Report | Supported Filter Fields |
AccountList | startCreatedDate, endCreatedDate, createdDateRange, startUpdatedDate, endUpdatedDate, updatedDateRange, columns, accountStatus, orderBy, sortOrder, accountType |
AgedPayables | reportDate, dateRange, agingPeriod, numberOfPeriods, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
AgedPayableDetail | startDueDate, endDueDate, reportDate, columns, term, pastDue, agingMethod, agingPeriod, numberOfPeriods, vendor |
AgedReceivables | reportDate, dateRange, agingPeriod, numberOfPeriods, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
AgedReceivableDetail | startDueDate, endDueDate, reportDate, columns, term, pastDue, agingMethod, agingPeriod, numberOfPeriods, customer |
BalanceSheet | startDate, endDate, dateRange, accountingMethod, groupBy, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
CashFlow | startDate, endDate, dateRange, groupBy, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
ClassSales | startDate, endDate, dateRange, accountingMethod, groupBy, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
CustomerBalance | reportDate, dateRange, groupBy, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
CustomerBalanceDetail | startDueDate, endDueDate, agingMethod, reportDate, columns, orderBy, sortOrder, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds |
CustomerIncome | startDate, endDate, dateRange, accountingMethod, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
CustomerSales | startDate, endDate, dateRange, columns, accountingMethod, groupBy, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
DepartmentSales | startDate, endDate, dateRange, accountingMethod, groupBy, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
GeneralLedger | startDate, endDate, dateRange, columns, accountingMethod, accountStatus, orderBy, sortOrder, accountType, sourceAccountType, accountIds, sourceAccountIds, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds |
ItemSales | startDate, endDate, dateRange, columns, accountingMethod, groupBy, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
InventoryValuationSummary | reportDate, dateRange, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
ProfitAndLoss | startDate, endDate, dateRange, accountingMethod, groupBy, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
ProfitAndLossDetail | startDate, endDate, dateRange, columns, accountingMethod, groupBy, orderBy, sortOrder, paymentMethod, accountType, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds |
TransactionList | vendorIds, transactionType, startDate, startCreatedDate, startUpdatedDate, startDueDate, endDate, endCreatedDate, endUpdatedDate, endDueDate, dateRange, createdDateRange, updatedDateRange, dueDateRange, sourceAccountType, sortOrder, orderBy, qzurl, printed, paymentMethod, name, groupBy, memo, docnum, departmentIds, customerIds, accountingMethod, apPaid, arPaid, classIds, cleared, bothamount |
TrialBalance | startDate, endDate, dateRange, accountingMethod, summarizeBy |
VendorBalance | reportDate, dateRange, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
VendorBalanceDetail | startDueDate, endDueDate, reportDate, columns, dateRange, dueDateRange, orderBy, sortOrder, term, apPaid, agingMethod, vendor, department |
VendorExpenses | startDate, endDate, dateRange, accountingMethod, customerIds, vendorIds, itemIds, classIds, departmentIds, summarizeBy |
Filter definitions
- dateRange indicating the date range to use to filter the report. See your specific resource for valid values for this parameter: https://developer.intuit.com/docs/api/accounting Report resources > query parameters > date_macro
- createdDateRangeindicating the date range to use to filter the report by create date.
- updatedDateRange indicating the date range to use to filter the report by updated date.
The supported values for date ranges are - Today, Yesterday This Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal, Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year. The default is This Fiscal Year-to-date.
- startDate indicating the start date of a period for the report. The date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD’, e.g., ‘2015-10-03’
- endDate indicating the end date of a period for the report. The date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD’, e.g., ‘2015-10-03’
- startDueDate indicating the start date of a period for the report. The date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD’, e.g., ‘2015-10-03’
- endDueDate indicating the end date of a period for the report. The date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD’, e.g., ‘2015-10-03’
- startCreatedDate indicating the start created date of a period for the report. The date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD’, e.g., ‘2015-10-03’
- endCreatedDate indicating the end created date of a period for the report. The date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD’, e.g., ‘2015-10-03’
- startUpdatedDate indicating the start created date of a period for the report. The date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD’, e.g., ‘2015-10-03’
- endUpdatedDate indicating the end created date of a period for the report. The date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD’, e.g., ‘2015-10-03’
- reportDate provided with the date format of YYYY-MM-DD. The default value is today’s date.
- accountingMethod with supported values of Cash or Accrual. The default is that defined in the company preferences in Quickbooks.
- accountType indicating the account type to use for the filter.
- sourceAccountType indicating the source account type to use for the filter.
The supported values for account types, including the source account type, are - Bank, AccountsReceivable, OtherCurrentAsset, FixedAsset, OtherAsset, AccountsPayable, CreditCard, OtherCurrentLiability, LongTermLiability, Equity, Income, CostOfGoodsSold, Expense, OtherIncome, OtherExpense, NonPosting. The default is to include all account types in the report.
- agingMethod with supported values of Report_date or Current. The default is Current.
- agingPeriod indicating the number of days in the aging period. The default is 30.
- numberOfPeriods indicating the number of periods to be shown in the report. The default is 4.
- arPaid with supported values of All, Paid, Unpaid. The default is Unpaid.
- apPaid with supported values of All, Paid, Unpaid. The default is Unpaid.
- pastDue indicating to number of past due days to use for the filter.
- shipVia indicating the name of the shipping method as specified in the invoice.
- paymentMethod indicating the name of the payment method used, with supported values of Cash, Check, Dinners Club, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa.
- columns a list of comma separated column names in an 'in ()' clause, indicating the column types to be shown in the report.
- orderBy which specifies the column for the sort order for the results. The default is tx_date.
- sortOrder which specifies the sort order for the results. The supported values are ‘ascend’ and 'descend’. The default is ascend.
- groupBy which specifies a criteria to group the the results. The supported values are Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices. The default value is Total.
- accountIds A comma separated list of account IDs to filter by.
- sourceAccountIds A comma separated list of the source account IDs to filter by.
- customerIds A comma separated list of customer IDs to filter by.
- vendorIds A comma separated list of vendor IDs to filter by.
- itemIds A comma separated list of item IDs to filter by.
- classIds A comma separated list of class IDs to filter by.
- termIds A comma separated list of term IDs to filter by.
- departmentIds A comma separated list of department IDs to filter by.